update cuz i wanna, basically useless tho

674 17 18

ngl the like 2-3 years when we first made this account compared to now

I REALLY WENT LIKE MY OLD SELF IS WEAK DIE (sOrRy ThE oLd Me CaN't CoMe To ThE pHoNe RiGhT nOw. WhY? cUz ShE's DeAd) sorry that was lowkey cringe but wtv

went from being a somewhat social dmsp lover to an antisocial genshin nerd (who's lowkey rly rude and swears way too much but we don't talk about it-) i also like playing osu lol even tho i'm kinda bad (you should totally add me: aliquus)


also rest in piece technoblade </3 
that hit me like a bus bro

btw i have a new account where i might post stuff that i've written in the past/current times if u still wanna read my stuff (if u like genshin that is- bc like i write genshin stuff bc i'm so fucking obsessed with the game and i need a creative outlet of some sort)

it might be cringe cuz i write lots of scuffed stuff bc my brain is broken

i've commented on one of our books in one of the chapters

that's all the info u get so gl

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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