Chapter 7

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 Chapter 7: 

Once in the room and settled, Linzi and the rest of the group helped Olly write the song he was playing around with before, when Ceri and Ella had come in on them. As they got more into the writing the song, Jack went more into his own world as music wasn’t his thing and was staring out the window, which was his normal spot. Jade occasionally went up to him to check he was alright; he’d just reply with a flat ‘yeah’, leaving Jade unsure if he was or not 

As he looked out the window, a Rottwhieler dog appeared on the grass lawn. Jack jumped up off his seat and ran to the other side of the room. This left the rest of the group looking very puzzled over Jack’s actions; Jade ran over to Jack to double check he was alright.

“Jack, what’s wrong; I thought you said you were okay?” Jade asked as she tightly cuddled Jack, who was shivering from shock.

“R-R-Rottw-w-whieler,” Jack stuttered as he pointed a shaky finger to the window; the others, apart from Jade – who stayed with Jack-, rushed to the window.

“Jade, look there’s a dog on the lawn.” Ceri pointed out.

“It must be a Rottwhieler; that’s the only dog Jack’s scared of.” Jade told her as she looked out the window to see the dog, “Yup, that’s a Rottie.”   

“How’d it get there?” Ceri asked, “And where’s its owner?”

“Close the blinds, so Jack can’t see it.” Jade told them, and then she turned to Jack, who was still slightly shivering, to comfort him, “It’s alright; Jack, it’s gone.”

After a short while, Jack had finally calmed down, but he stayed where he was; Jade joined him, putting a comforting arm around his shoulders. Managing to calm him further, Jade got Jack to move more into the group conversation, this was about what horror movies were the most frightening and which ones were the best to watch. Jack soon joined in on the conversation, finding the topic interesting, - to Jade’s relief. During the conversation, Ceri pulled Ella out of the room.

The two girls walked to the bathroom again, and then Ceri asked, “Hey, didn’tLoganhave a Rottwhieler dog?”

“Yeah, he’s trying to scare us all to see what we do.” Ella replied; she still had a worried look on her face.

“Come on, Els; let’s go back to the others. That might get your mind offLogan.” Ceri said as she gently took hold of Ella’s wrist and began to walk her out of the bathroom to go back to the group.

“I don’t think that can happen; I’m afraid.” Ella nervously replied.

”I know, but we could at least try to relax.” Ceri tried to reassure her friend before they walked back into Linzi’s room.

After their conversation had finished, the group had decided to get something to eat and drink, while they were studying. They got their notebooks and writing equipment out to write some notes. As they were writing, Danny’s and Nathan’s pens ran out of ink.

“Linz, do you have any spare pens?” Both boys asked, “My pen has run out of ink.” 

“You could check the middle drawer on my bedside table or there might be some in my desk drawer.” Linzi told them; pointing to both locations she had explained where a pen may be.

“I’ll check the desk drawer.” Danny said as he walked over to Linzi’s corner desk.

“And I’ll check the bedside table.” Nathan said as he walked to the bedside table, while the others continued with their studying.

Suddenly, both boys started screamed in horror, backing up from the places they had gone to look. The whole group were stood to see what the two boys had screamed at.

“What’s up, boys?” Ella and Danielle ran to their boyfriend; the two boys pointed to something in the drawers.

The two girls took what had scared the two boys out of the two drawers. It was a frightening looking clown mask, in each drawer; the girls help the masks up to show the rest of the group.

“How did those get in there?” Olly questioned

“Well, they’re not mine; I hate clowns. Olly throw them out the window – they’re giving me the heebie jeebies.” Linzi said as Olly took both masks.

“Well, they’re none of ours, so yeah please do.” The others agreed and Olly obeyed Linzi’s command, throwing the masks out of Linzi’s bedroom window.

“I wonder how they got there; do you think your sister or her boyfriend could have done it,Linz?” Olly asked as he closed the window and they all sat down again.

“Nope, it couldn’t have been them; they don’t come in my room- I’ve told them not to unless I’m here.” Linzi replied

“Who’s to say they disobeyed you and they came in anyway?” Danielle explained curiously.

“They don’t; we made a deal – I don’t go in her’s and she doesn’t come in mine.” Linzi replied as Danny and Nathan soon calmed down form the scare they had just had – Danielle and Ella were at their sides.

“Els, you have got to tell the rest of the groupLogan’s here. He could end up either killing us or/and giving us a heart attack each.” Ceri whispered to Ella, who was sat quite near Danny.

“Guys, you remember in every murder scene there was a guy in a black (or brown) hooded coat? Well, maybe he is the murderer and he was there just to see if the police and FBI could find him and solve the cases?”  Nathan said

“I think these two know something.” Danny hinted at Ella and Ceri, “Come on, you two; spill.”

Ceri explained every little detail of what had happened to Ella as Ella burst into tears, once again and dug her face into Danny’s chest; everyone sat in silence as Ceri continued to explain Ella’s traumatic experience.

“Ella, we’re so sorry; we’ll do anything to protect you.” Danny said as he cuddled her closer.

Ceri suggested – suddenly thinking of the idea -, “Anyone of us could be next, so I suggest we definitely stay together and protect each other.”

“Good idea, Ceri.” Tristan said as he hugged her; she kissed him on the cheek to say thank you.

“What are we gonna use to defend ourselves? We can’t very well use pens, pencils and torches, can we?” Linzi asked

“Well, no, but we can use the baseball bats that I keep in your wardrobe just in case.” Olly grinned in pride

“Why do you keep your baseball bats in your girlfriend’s wardrobe, Olly, and I thought you liked football more?” Nathan asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Well, it’s in case of an emergency like if a burglar is in the house. I can like more than one sport too you know.” Olly grinned now with embarrassment, his cheeks now a light red.

“Olly, you don’t have enough baseball bats for us all; there are only 3.” Linzi said as she got the baseball bats out.

“Oh,” Olly said flatly, “Well, maybe we could, I don’t know use elastic bands or something?”

 “You’re actually on the right line there, Ols. We just need something like a small rock to ping.” Tristan praised Olly.

“Thanks; how about these erasers, they’re like a small rock; there are enough elastic bands and erasers for the ones that don’t have a bat.” Olly said as he went into Linzi’s desk drawers to search for the required items.

“Good ideas, Olly,” Linzi smiled as Olly closed the desk drawers, walked over to Linzi and kissed her.

“Thanks, babes,” he smiled back

The group organise their small weapons to protect each other as well as themselves. BecauseLogan’s last place was upstairs, the group decided they’d be a lot safer downstairs; they took everything they needed to the den. Once they got into the den, they noticed Ella wasn’t with them.

“Where’s Ella?” Danny asked them with worry in both his eyes and voice; everyone shrugged and started to look. 

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