Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

As the group of now 10 walked back to Linzi’s room, Ceri also noticed Ella was very jumpy, which wasn’t her usual character. Yeah, Ella was quite shy and didn’t talk much, but she had never been jumpy.

“Ella, would you mind if we had a private chat?” Ceri asked as she pulled Ella to the back of the group.

“Sure,” Ella replied; the two girls told the rest of the group where they were going, and then they went to the bathroom, which was one of the most private places they could think of.

“What’s up with you; you’re jumpy, you’re never jumpy?” Ceri asked with her hands on her hips.

“Nothing, seriously there’s nothing wrong.” Ella tried to reassure her with a smile, but only managed a half nervous smile.

“Come on, Els; we know each other like the back of our hands, so spill it.” Ceri told her

After being pressured in wanting to tell her friend, but she couldn’t, Ella finally burst into tears and she began to tell Ceri everything of what happened before they had found her. Once Ella had finished, Ceri was in a shocked silence, only for a short minute. Ceri took her friend into a hug to comfort and reassure her.

“Look, Ella, from what it sounds likeLoganhas turned into a right jerk. So, don’t worry; the others and I will look out for you. He won’t hurt any of us, well, not anymore.” Ceri reassured her.

“Ella wiped her tears away with her jacket sleeve and said with a smile, “Thanks, Ceri,”

He two friends hugged, before they went back to the rest of the group, who were sat messing around – mainly Olly on his guitar with Linzi. After messing around for a bit, the group decided to get something to eat.

“Well, guys, I just decided I’m hungry; anyone else?” Olly stood up, with the others following; he decided to play around and push Linzi back on to the bed, where she and Olly were sat.

“Well, at least we know he’s back to normal.” Tristan laughed; Linzi pulled Olly on to the bed wit her (once he wasn’t looking), she then smiled and kissed him.

He smiled back and blushed; Linzi still smiling, replied to Tristan, “Yup, you sure can; why Oliver, you’re blushing.”

She giggled as he said, “No…I’m not,”

The group laughed, and then the couple on the bed got up, so they could go to the kitchen to get snacks to bring back to Linzi’s room – which Linzi knew her mum didn’t mind. They grabbed the torches and carefully made their way down the stairs; all the while, Olly leading the way. Once in the kitchen, Linzi grabbed the picnic basket - after flipping the light switch -, so it would be easier to carry.

The boys grabbed a can of coke cola for each of them. The girls grabbed all sorts of snacks (such as: chocolate chip cookies, packets of crisps and doughnuts; mainly chocolate snacks), while the lads told them what to get. Once they had everything they needed – snack wise -, they put it all into the basket (barely fitting it all in).

“Is there anything else we need before we go back upstairs?” Tristan asked

“Well, we could get some spare batteries in case the torches run out or something; hey, Olly, are you gonna write down that song you were singing before?” Linzi smiled, getting the spare batteries and put them in her jacket; everyone agreed that Olly should write his song down, “I’ll get you a pen, if you are – the ones in my room don’t really work.”

“Sure, babes; I’ll come with you if you are.” Olly replied as he followed Linzi to the den to get the pen

“So, do you know what you’re gonna do with the song, once it’s finished?” Linzi asked, while she searched for a black or blue pen.

“Not really, but if I get it sent off and I get asked to sing it, I want to be with you all the way through it; I want you to sing it with me.” Olly replied as he came up behind Linzi and put his arm around her; Linzi smiled – looking at him -, and went to kiss him.

“Of course, I’d love to; Olly, how much do you love me?” Linzi smiled, and then asked with a serious face.

“To the sun and back,” Olly winked; for a moment, Linzi looked as if she’d say something, but instead she smiled, with her eyes on the ground.

Suddenly, a few screams came from the kitchen. The couple quickly found a pen and ran to the kitchen to investigate what or who the screams had come from.

“Who screamed?” Both Olly and Linzi asked at exactly the same time, rushing into the kitchen.

“It was Ceri, Jade and Tristan,” Nathan replied as he pointed to the trio.

“Wait, all the screams sounded like girls?” Olly began to say, with a smirk on his face.

“Olly, behave,” Linzi told him, and then turned to Nathan, “Why did they scream?” 

“They saw a few huge spiders, while they were looking for a few more snacks. Luckily, Danny, Jade and I got rid of them. I thought you said Eddie fixed all the holes in the walls?” Nathan replied

“He did,” Linzi said; Ceri was about to say something, but Ella – who was biting her bottom lip – stopped her, “He might have missed them or the spiders were hidden somewhere out of sight.”

“Brr, just hearing that word gives me the chills.” Ceri said as she shivered 

“Sorry guys,” Linzi apologised, and then said, “Come on, guys; let’s go back upstairs to my room.”

The group do as Linzi had suggested, carrying the picnic basket.

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