Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

It turned outLoganhad pulled Ella, who was at the back, from the group as they had passed the room he was in.Loganlocked the door, once again;Loganflicked the light on to reveal the room.

“Hey, again, Ella; we’ve got to stop meeting like this.”Logangrinned as Ella backed into the corner; her arm extended as she swung the bat around.

“Please, don’t hurt me,” Ella begged continuing to swing the bat, “I haven’t done anything to you.”

“Come on, Ella, I’m not going to hurt you; I just want to talk.”Logancontinued to smirk, the same evil smirk as before, “You can trust me.”

“Fine, but I’m not putting the bat down.” Ella agreed to talk, not even putting her arm down to rest for a second;Logan’s smirk disappeared.

“Fine with me, as long as you listen.” Logansaid; he turned away from Ella, so that his back was to her, “I may have said that I’ve killed only bystanders, from the school days, to make the actual bullies feel really guilty. Well, I’ve now thought they’re as guilty as the bullies themselves. They just stood there and watched me get bullied.”

“But, we couldn’t do anything.” Ella nervously interrupted not sure whether Loganwould shout at her or not, “You saw the size of the bullies; not even Olly or Nathan could have. Linzi and Danielle had problems of their own too.

“Ella, don’t you remember our deal; I let you keep the bat, if you listened.”Loganturned to face her; she nodded.

Ella sighed with relief thatLogandidn’t shout at her.Logancontinued to explain and talk about the day he finally got tired of bullies and people not helping him with the bullying problems; all the while Ella didn’t take her eyes off him, in case he went to attack her.

“When that big brut had me shoved up against the lockers, I noticed two things; 1. No one was coming over to help and 2. I wasn’t standing up for myself. I soon decided it was time to take a stand.”Logantold her; his face beginning to look extremely angry.

“I already told you, we couldn’t do anything; everyone was scared of Jay.” Ella nervously interrupted; this timeLogan did shout at her.

“What did I fucking tell you; you listen and only listen!” Logan almost shouted, remembering the rest of the group was only a floor below and that they could come up any second from hearing him shout; Ella backed more into the corner, if it was possible, raising the bat more to remind Logan she had it and wasn’t afraid to use it if she needed.

Loganbacked down and went to the window; Ella slowly put the bat down and looked at her right hand, whereLoganhad slashed on their first encounter.Logan’s head bolted up, from looking down out of the window, as he had heard something. He sprang over the bed to Ella, so he could cover her mouth – to not give him away.

Ella could hear three of her friends (Danny, Ceri and Tristan) coming up the stairs and passed the room she and Logan were in. She bitLogan’s hand, so she could warn the others aboutLogan. He removed his hand as planned.

“Guys, in here; come quick!” Ella shouted urgently

“Ow, you fucking bitch,”Loganyelled in pain as Danny, Ceri and Tristan burst through the door.

 “Els, are you okay?” Danny asked;Loganquickly got his knife out (he still had hold of Ella) and held it over Ella’s neck, making her squeak a little.

“Not a step closer or she gets her throat slit.”Loganwarned; the 3 others took a small step back, so they didn’t end up accidentally killing their friend.

“Logan, come on; just let her and us all go.” Ceri tried to persuade him from the spot she was on; she didn’t thinkLogannoticed, but she saw Ella had the bat betweenLogan’s legs, so she motioned for Ella to quickly move the bat upwards.

Ella did just that andLoganfell to the floor, holding between his legs. Ella ran to join the other 3, just as Olly and the other five rushed in with the police following; the police quickly handcuffedLoganand put the knife in an evidence bag (one of them had rubber gloves on).

“Wait, officer; could I ask him something?” Linzi asked politely

“Sure, darling, but you’ll have to be quick.” the officer replied with a friendly smile

“Logan, why didn’t you just tell the person that bullied you to apologise or just forget it?” Linzi directed her question toLoganthis time.

“Because it wasn’t enough; they needed to be taught a lesson. It haunted me everyday.”Loganreplied quite harshly.

“Where did you get the ideas for the attacks from?” Linzi continued to question, “They were quite….gruesome.”

“I know right; a couple of the ideas were from the SAW movie franchise, but all the rest were mine.”Logangrinned in quite an evil way; it crept the group out completely.

Getting from the police officers grip,Logangrabbed another knife from his back pocket and lunged himself toward Ella. Luckily, Danny stepped in the way, but he ended up getting stabbed in the arm (it’s not too serious). The officer that had hold ofLogangrabbed him again – getting a better grip.

“Thanks, Danny,” Ella hugged Danny gently; Linzi got a bandage for him.

“Ella, are you okay?” Ceri asked as she knelt by her two friends.

“I am now,” Ella said thankfully with a reassuring smile.

Linzi turned to Olly and asked, with a cheeky grin, “Hey, Ols treat us to a Nando’s?”

“You’re getting as cheeky as I am, ya know?” Olly smiled; then kissed Linzi on the top of her head, before replying, “Go on then, since it’s you and what’s happened tonight; I think we all deserve it, especially Ella.”

They watched asLoganwas taken away. They followed down – soon noticing that the sun had rose and it was morning; the police interview them as all their parents arrived, with worried looks upon their faces.

Danielle’s youngest sister asked, “What’s happened here?”

“We’ll tell ya later.” The whole group replied; their families embrace them in a huge hug.  

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