Chapter 9: Ella's POV

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Author's note: Because I want to get this finished and no one has commented any questions for me to answer in the POV, I'm going to publish the story; it's not much and not a very good ending, but it's all I could think of xxxx

Ella's POV

We’re all doing fine now; we soon got over it (after around 3-6 months). My friends say I’m more shy and nervous since that night, but I think it sort of helped improve my confidence; I mean I faced a murderer. Because Logan harmed me, my mum and dad wanted to sue Logan, but I explained why he did what he did and they sort of let it go.

After a few weeks, we all recovered and forgave Logan as we understand why he did it; bullying is a very stressful and painful thing to go through after all. Logan was arrested for 6 months – under attempted murder/ murder. The police had the evidence that Logan was the murderer, so he was arrested and put in jail straight away.

I didn’t tell anyone (none of my friends or family), that I keep in contact with Logan to make sure he’s okay. He says I’m now his only friend and that he thanks me for getting him arrested because he now sees what he did was a form of bullying. So, in a way I’ve helped him; I have told only one friend and that is Ceri, she is the one I’m closest too so I tell her everything.

Ceri and I have been friends from the beginning; her mum and my mum have been best friends since high school, so Ceri and I have known each other since birth. Ceri has written a couple of paragraphs to Logan in a few of my letters, saying thanks to him – not in a mean way – and she too sees him as a friend. I don’t know what the others think of him, but Ceri and I don’t want to let them know just yet that we’re talking to him via letter, just in case he’s not on their good sides.

Olly and Linzi have planned to get married after they finish college. Olly proposed to Linzi at Nando’s – the night when Logan tried to murder us -; he said, with a cheeky grin, “Linzi, because I don’t know if anything crazy will happen next; will you be my Mrs Murs?”

Linzi was completely shocked as he pulled out a small navy box, which held the ring, and all she could do was nod. She did actually cry a couple of tears (tears of joy, of course); I’ve even told Logan about it and he loved every detail. Yes, we did ask Olly if he had the ring on him all night and he replied ‘yes’ because he’d been thinking of proposing anyway (there was only 4 months left of high school around this time, so don’t think it bothered the school/ teachers).

I don’t know about the rest of us, but I know Tristan and Ceri were seeing if anything happened between them (such as after college to see if they’d still be together, which I knew they would be).

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