Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

“Be back soon; you’ll miss the party.” Ceri continued to joke around as Ella exited the room.

After going to the bathroom to do her business and to sort her hair, Ella quickly walked down the stairs and towards the den to fetch her bag. Upon retrieving her bag, Ella noticed something from the corner of her eye and looked towards it; she had spotted a red handkerchief with the initials ‘L.S’ embodied in gold on the top of it.

“Hmm, that wasn’t there before.” Ella picked the small, velvet object up as she observed it, “Oh my, this could be the killer’s and he’s in the house.”

Ella’s eyes widened in horror as she realised how the snake was put in the basement, why the lights kept turning off and how Linzi was pricked by a needle. She rushed as quickly as she could back to Linzi’s room, so she could show the clue she had found and picked up (also because she was frightened as hell). Although, she had been a few times, Ella still got lost in Linzi’s house.

“Damn, I still get lost,” Ella entered a darkened room, which seemed to be Linzi’s parents’ room.

She began to exit the room, when Ella heard the door shut and lock.

“Shit; please, please, this can’t be happening.” Ella panicked; she hated being alone especially if it’s a dark room – she always feared the worst.

 The light flicked on and there he was, the guy in the long, black hooded coat that appeared in all the murder scenes – the murderer. All Ella could think was ‘Oh my goodness, he’s here,’ and, ‘He’s come to kill me’. The murderer pulled down his hood and smiled an evil smirk at her, but before he grinned Ella recognised him from somewhere.

“Ella is there any need for the swearing and I thought you were a quiet, polite girl, who never swore; I guess I was wrong, like with quite a few things.” And once he spoke, she instantly recognised him as Logan Smith, from the beginning of high school; all she remembered was that 1. He wasn’t as popular as her and her 9 friends 2. He used to get bullied quite a lot and 3. Due to the bullying, he moved high schools before their 2nd year.

“Logan?” Ella was wide eyed by now.

“So, you do remember me; at least that popularity hasn’t gone to your head yet.”Loganwas toying with her; she had to admitLoganwas quite good looking, especially with his golden blonde hair, baby blue eyes and Irish accent.

“Look,Logan, I don’t want any trouble; just please stop killing people. It’s not right.” Ella nervously tried to persuade him.

“Don’t you think I know that? It’s all this bullying that the older boys did, it’s got to me.”Loganbegan to explain.

“Then why do it?” Ella asked

“To get revenge on those who bullied.”Logansmirked that devilish smirk again, making Ella even more nervous.

“But, I and my friends didn’t bully you.” Ella said, “And neither did the ones you already killed.”

“Well, you all stood and watched; I also thought if I started with the ones who just stood there and watched, then the actual bullies would feel guilty and come apologise.”Loganexplained as he moved closer to Ella, who backed away – every step he moved forward, she moved back; all the while he was wickedly smirking at her.

Ella could see he had something in his right hand; by the time she could fully recognise it was a knife, he had cornered her and his left arm was over Ella’s head.Logandidn’t bring the knife into full view, but Ella could clearly see what it was especially when it glistened in the light.

“Look, Ella, I’ve got to go do some more of my little tricks.” Loganbegan to say; at first he said it in a polite and calm voice, but then his voice began to get more frightening, creepier, “But, if you dare tell anyone I was here or who I am, I’ll personally slit your throat.”

All through him talking,Logan’s smile began to change more into more into an evil smirk and was extremely creeping the hell out of Ella. He had now brought the knife into full view and over Ella’s throat.

“Get the hint?”Loganhissed; he had to use his left hand to hold her head back.

“Yes; I won’t tell, I promise. Please let me go.” Ella begged - she was on the edge of tears; she felt as though she’d break down in front of him and show she was weak, which was definitely wrong and not what she wanted to do.

Loganbegan to take his right hand (the hand with the knife) away. He took hold of Ella’s right hand, lifted the knife and sliced the palm of her hand; Ella let out a whimper of pain.

“Take it as a warning that I’m not joking,” There was that smirk again, that evil smirk.

Back in Linzi’s room, which was at the opposite end of the corridor, the other 9 were worried as Ella was taking ages; they decided to go look for her.

 Olly taking charge, he grabbed one of the torches and, holding Linzi’s hand,  he said, “Come on, guys, let’s go find her; she couldn’t have been on the loo all this time.”

As they stepped out of the room, with Olly in front, they noticed – although there weren’t any lights on in the corridor – it was considerably bright. From the bright light, formed four ghostly  white figures (two males and 2 females – the 4 teenage victims)  and they stood in front of them for a good few minutes – the group of 9 friends were stunned and shocked-, but then Melissa’s ghost pointed toward Linzi’s parents’ room – which was where Ella was. The group followed Melissa’s finger to where it pointed and just as Olly was about to open the door, the flashlight in the air ready to use as a weapon if need be, Ella came out of the door.

Ella ran into Danny, who luckily had his arms open; the group noticed Ella had tears streaking down her cheeks.

“Els, what’s up? Why are you crying and what happened to your hand?” Danny asked with concern as he hugged her tightly; soon noticing she had a blood covered sock wrapped around the palm area of her right hand, and also that her hand been clenched since she had rushed out of the room.

“Yeah, I just cut my hand on something sharp. I couldn’t see properly as I couldn’t find the light switch, so yeah.” Ella half lied, not wanting to worry her friends; Ceri knew different as Ella was closest to Ceri out of the group and they both knew each other like the back of their hands.

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