Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Meeting up

“Nope, no one I can think of; Toby was quite popular in high school, but I know he never hurt anyone and he was always sweet. He helped me and Ella with bully problems in the first year, so I don’t know why anyone would want to kill or even hurt him.” Ceri told the rest of her friends after a few seconds thinking.

“I can’t think of anyone either; I mean, yeah, Melissa could be really competitive and she was quite popular, but she always stood up for people, who she saw were getting bullied.” Linzi also told them after thinking for a few seconds.

“Since Laura and Thomas were in our year too; all I can remember was: they were popular, but kind, a lot like you,Linz– shy around others, but with friends, confident. I didn’t really hang around her, though, or Thomas.” Olly told them after a few minutes thought.

“Yeah, I remember Thomas; he asked me for advice on what to get his girlfriend, Gabriella – my sister, for their year anniversary of being together. He was really sweet about it too and very polite.” Jade replied once she did a little bit of thinking.

“Well, since we don’t know anyone who would have wanted to hurt them for what their personality was, then what could it be for, who could’ve done it and why?” Danny asked

“Well, we’re gonna have to keep our eyes peeled and our ears open for anything.” Jack came in

“Okay, guys, Ceri and I really have to go; see ya’s later. Call if you need help on anything.” Tristan called as he and Ceri rushed to the door to Tristan’s parents waiting in the car.

“Bye,” the others called to the rushing couple.

“Us too; it’s getting quite late and it’s getting darker outside quicker.” Ella, Jade, Danny and Jack all said as they also gathered their things and went on their way, waving as they left.

“Bye,” the last 4 waved; all that were left were: Olly, Linzi, Danielle and Nathan.

Olly, Danielle and Nathan stayed for a while longer.

“How about us 4 meet back up tomorrow? My parents are out tomorrow, so we could do research.” Linzi began to say, but was interrupted by her mum.

“Linzi, I don’t want you researching anything on that murder; you could get hurt.” Linzi’s mum popped her head around the door.

“Who says I was going to say that; I could’ve meant our school work.” Linzi said to her mum.

“Did you mean that?” Her mum asked folding her arms.

“Of course I did,” Linzi replied and her mum disappeared back into the room she was in.

The other 3 agreed with Linzi that they’d come back the next day to do more research, and then they texted their parents about their plans. Once doing a small amount of studying for their exams, Danielle and Nathan went home, while Olly stated the night to make things easier – which Linzi’s mum didn’t mind. Danielle and Nathan didn’t live too far from Linzi’s house – around 2 blocks at the most.

The next day, Linzi’s mum and step-dad, Eddie (Linzi lived with her mum in Witham, Essex inLondonsince her parents divorced) were going out for the whole evening and as Danielle and Nathan arrived at the door, they walked out the door.

“We’ll be out quite late, so don’t get up to anything; bye kids, love you.” Linzi’s mum waved as she and Eddie rushed out the door.

Once her parents were out the door, Linzi’s younger sister – Lucy – rushed down the stairs; she was wearing demin shorts, skin coloured tights and a white blouse – clothes she’d normally wear around her boyfriend – and she was also carrying a sleepover bag.

“Hey, sis; I’m going out on a date with TJ and I’m gonna be staying at his, so will you tell mum I’m at a friend’s? I’ll be at the cinema if you need me.” Lucy announced as she got her shoulder bag and IPhone.

“Okay; just promise me you won’t get up to anything.” Linzi told her; Lucy was only a year younger than her, but was in the same year at high school.

“You know I won’t,” Lucy replied before she ran out the door – her boyfriend was waiting out front in his car – and to TJ’s car; he opened the passenger side door for her, “Bye, sis,”

“See ya later,” Linzi waved, Olly stood behind her, as her sister went on her way; Linzi closed the door once they had left.

Once Lucy had left, Linzi and her 3 friends exited the den and went to Linzi’s room to do more research – thinking it would be a better environment as Linzi’s laptop was in the room -; Linzi put her music on, so they had something to listen to, while they researched.

Although, it would most likely become a distraction as they would possibly begin dancing and singing; the group of 4 were discussing what they found out.

Suddenly, they heard a familiar voice – they couldn’t put their fingers on who it could’ve been – said in an extremely creepy tone of voice, “I’ve come back for you all…”

Abruptly, the lights went out making the room go almost pitch black with only the CD player as their source of light.

“Whoa, what happened to the lights?” Nathan asked as he hugged Danielle tightly due to her fear.

“And what or who was that creepy voice; it sort of sounded familiar actually?” Linzi asked

“It might have been a power cut and I agree with you; that voice did sound familiar.” Olly suggested as he located a low battery torch, and then he too cuddled Linzi; they all huddled together, “It’ll do until the lights come on.

“But, Olly, it’s can’t be a power cut; the CD player is still on. It’s just paused, see.” Linzi pointed to the CD player, showing the flashing, red light.

“Oh,” Olly said flatly,

While Olly and Linzi were discussing the power cut topic, Nathan quietly tried to soothe Danielle (by whispering into her ear, in a calming tone); she had her hand on his shoulder, holding it very tightly as if he was her lifeline, all the while Nathan still saying calming words to her.

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