Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Three Times The Scare

Once the lights came back on after a few minutes and the room filled with relieved sighs, Nathan suggested, “Maybe we should invite the others; you know because the bigger the group, the better and I have a bad feeling about tonight.

“Yeah, good idea, Nit Nat.” Danielle agreed along with other 2; Olly texted Tristan to come quickly and to get the 6 others to come along too.

Olly soon got another text from Tristan saying, ‘Sure, we’ll be round in a few minutes,’

“Right, that’s sorted; what now?” Olly said as he put his phone in his chino’s back pocket.

“We should stay together in case the lights do go out again. We should wait in the den for the others.” Linzi suggested, “It’s closer to the door, so we’ll be there to answer quicker when they come.”

When the group of 4 were sat in the den waiting, the lads cuddled the girls as security and protection in case anything else happened, while the girls sat on the lads’ laps. Olly, Nathan and Linzi all noticed Danielle was much quieter (when usually she was the loudest girl of the group) since the lights went out.

“Danni, are you okay? You seem a little nervous.” Linzi asked as she sat next to her.

“Yeah, I guess it’s just the shock of it suddenly going dark before.” Danielle replied as she smiled, trying to reassure her friends.

“Okay; if you’re sure.” Linzi smiled, still concerned over her friend, as she sat back on Olly’s lap.

As expected, the lights went out once again, but the suddenness of it still startled them all, especially Danielle.

“See, I knew this would happen.” Nathan said as he and Olly cuddled Danielle and Linzi, “Danni, are you okay?” 

“Y-y-yeah, I guess; just please don’t let go of me.” Danielle begged as she gripped hold of Nathan, who had his arms around her.

“I won’t; don’t worry.” Nathan reassured her.

Linzi suddenly felt like there was someone breathing down her neck (Olly had moved to her side), and then she felt a prick of a needle; upon feeling the prick, Linzi fell faint in Olly’s arms and collapsed to the floor. Luckily, Olly managed to hold her up slightly.

“Linz, are you okay? Come on, please talk to me.” Olly asked, worried that Linzi had gone unconscious from in case he didn’t catch her head before she hit the floor.

“I’m fine, Olly; don’t worry.” Linzi replied in a faint whisper, but Olly, luckily, heard her.

“What happened?” Olly asked; Danielle and Nathan were unaware of the situation.

“I don’t know; I felt something breathing down my neck, and then I felt a prick of a needle, which you know makes me feel faint.” Linzi replied, still in a faint whisper.

After a couple more minutes, the lights came back on and Danielle instantly went to Linzi’s side (once she had seen her) – pulling away from Nathan, who followed.

“Olly, what happened?” Danielle looked up at Olly, who was now kneeling – still by Linzi’s side- with Linzi’s head on his lap, not expecting her friend to answer.

“Well, she told me that once the lights went out, she felt someone breathing down her neck – it wasn’t me as I was at her side -, and then she felt a needle prick; she only collapses when she sees or feels a needle.” Olly explained why Linzi was collapsed on the floor, “Wait, that means there is someone other than us 4 in the house.”

Upon realising that the killer was in the house, Olly and Nathan went protective – cuddling closer to the girls - over Linzi and Danielle and started to shout things like, “You touch our girls and you’ll have us to deal with; you son of a bitch, you will pay for it if you do!”

“Boys, calm down please; he or whoever it is could still turn the lights out and probably kill us all, never mind touch or hurt.” Linzi whispered in fear the killer was still in the room as was Danielle, who was hushing Nathan, while Linzi was hushing Olly.

“I swear if he does touch you, I’ll personally run a fucking knife through him myself.” Olly said slightly calmer now; he and Nathan had calmed down a lot more.

As the girls continued to try calming the lads down, there came a knock at the door – frightening them all, nearly making them jump out of their skin. Olly grabbed a baseball bat, which most likely belonged to Nathan’s youngest brother, and walked to the door – being wary of who was at the door and his moves towards it, just in case.

“Olly, be careful,” Linzi said with concern

“I am, babes; don’t worry.” Olly looked back over his shoulder to see Linzi, Danielle and Nathan were standing in the doorway to the den, and then quickly looked back towards the front door – which was bolted up, “Who is it?”

“Santa Clause who do ya think it is?” Tristan sarcastically said from the other side, “Hurry up and let us in; it’s pissing it down.”

Olly leaned the bat against the wall, unbolted the door and opened the door – letting Tristan and the other 6. Olly then closed and re-bolted the door, once they were all inside. He picked the bat up again and followed the 7 that had just entered the house.

“Expecting a burglar to burst in anytime soon, Ols?” Jack eyed the bat in Olly’s right hand.

“Not exactly,” Olly said, putting the bat down quite close as he sat in one of the armchairs; Linzi was sat between his legs, while he stroked her hair (which kind of calmed them both).

“Explain ya self then,” Ceri smiled as she and the others sat on the floor – as they were happy too

“Well, we were just sat chilling in Linzi’s – with the music on -, doing a bit of research on that murder case; when the lights went off. I thought it was a power cut at first, but the CD player was just on pause. That’s when I texted you.” Olly explained the first half, “Once the lights came on.”

Nathan then continued for him, “Then, we came in here, while we waited for you guys. That was when the lights went out for a second time - this time for a bit longer -, but Linzi felt breathing down her neck, and then she felt a needle prick on her arm, which as you know makes her collapse. That’s when we figured there was someone else in the house.”

“Oh right; that’s so makes us want to stay now.” Tristan said, once again, sarcastically, “What if the lights go out again, but this time he takes one of us to be murdered?”

“Well, I think we have a few flashlights down in the basement, how about we all go together to get them?” Linzi suggests, instantly getting agreements.

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