Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

Using the dimmed bulb flashlight as their light and the baseball bat – which Olly was holding -, the group of 10 best friends wondered down the stairs to the basement.

“Linz, where did you leave the…” Olly froze mid-sentence, as he stopped at the bottom of the stairs, sort of blocking the others’ paths due to the fact the staircase was quite thin; he dropped the bat.

“Ols, what’s up?” Linzi asked as she sort of shoved him to the side, so she could see what had made him freeze the way he did; they all scooted pass Olly to see a grass snake, “Oh my; Olly, come on, baby, it’s only a little snake. Guys, he’s not moving. You should know what he’s like around snakes. Boys, could you get rid of it; there’s a back door over there.”

“Sure,” the 4 other lads said as they passed Olly, picking up the snake – Olly’s muscles tensed as they did – and took it to the back basement door Linzi had told them about; they let it loose in the back garden.

When they came back, they saw the girls were trying all they could to move Olly. Then Tristan and Ceri searched for the flashlights, soon finding them. Olly soon recovered once he actually realised the snake was out of the house.

“How the hell did that thing get in the here?” Ceri asked as Olly sat on the steps with his hands cupped over his head.

“I have no idea; it shouldn’t have been in here at all. When we moved in, my step –dad, Eddie, fixed all the holes and cleaned it out.” Linzi explained with concern towards Olly, “It must have been put here on purpose.”

Once Olly had fully recovered, the group of 10 went up the stairs to Linzi’s room. Each of the boys held one of the 4 torches; Linzi stayed by Olly’s side as they led the way.

“Are you okay, Olly; you still look a little pale? Linzi asked as he took hold of her hand; his hands were almost freezing cold and were shaking slightly.

“Yeah, I’m fine now,” Olly managed a half smile; Linzi could still tell he was still shook up over the previous event, “What about you; you still look pale, too, from the needle fiasco?”

“Still feel a little faint, when I think about it.” Linzi replied honestly, “Are you sure you’re okay?”

Olly looked her in the eyes and replied with, “To be honest, not really; I still feel shaken up about it.”

“It’s okay now; it’s not around and there shouldn’t be any more of them, so you don’t need to worry, Ols.” Linzi reassured him with a smile.

“I hope so,” Olly said as they reached Linzi’s room, after grabbing their things from the den.

After doing a bit of studying (as a break from researching on the case) and once they had seen all the notes that they had done, in almost complete silence, it was starting to get a bit awkward and no one had anything to say.

“Guys, do you think we should put the radio on; it might help us concentrate more on studying?” Jade suggested, getting a few nods of agreement.

As Linzi switched her CD/ IPOD player from IPOD to radio, Danielle jumped – although the volume of the radio wasn’t actually loud. This got everyone thinking, ‘Hmm, I wonder what’s up with Danni; she’s more jumpy than usual.’ Out of the other 9 people, Tristan was the first to ask if she was alright – excluding Linzi, Nathan and Olly as they knew what could be the reason.

“Hey Danni; is everything alright? You seem quite jumpy, more than usual.” Tristan asked

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Danielle lied

“Are you sure?” Ceri and Tristan both asked and Danielle nodded

Danielle then added, “I’m just having one of those days, that’s all.”

“Okay; if you say so,” Ceri said as Danielle tried to reassure them with a smile; looking around the room, Ceri noticed most of her friends looked quite glum, so they way she decided to cheer them up was by singing Olly’s own song, ‘Just Smile’, “Guys, we need to cheer up a bit; just smile and I’ll be yours again….”

Once Ceri had finished singing, she got her friends to smile, laugh and even join in.

“Ceri, you truly amaze us,” Tristan smiled before he gave her a kiss.

“You’re welcome; I’m here all night.” Ceri joked, getting a few more laughs.

“Oh, guys; I’ll be back in a minute. I left my bag in the den and I need loo.” Ella said suddenly realising what she had forgotten.

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