Part 1 ~ The Clozy Rose

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Third Person POV

Once upon a time, there was a happy kingdom. There was a queen and king, of course, and the queen was gonna have a baby.

Then she got Covid.

The king was determined to make his wife better, so he sent out a search party for the mystical Clozy Rose, a special flower that was rumored to have many powers, including being able to cure the disease, and giving you enough energy to animate an entire episode in one day.

It was also rumored to give you buttloads of money.

The search party found the rose, and they picked it, taking it to the king with glee. But little did they know that someone was watching them.

"They stole my flower, and they will PAY!" she shouted.

"Did you hear something?" one of the men asked.

"Idk, I thought I heard someone shouting 'pay.' Guess they want money," another man said.

The woman overheard this, and thought, 'I mean, I do want money.'

Anyways, back with the king and queen, they were talking about their baby, because it was going to be born soon.

"Y'know, I was thinking, what should we name her?" King Jake asked.

"Idk, I'm sick, I can't think of anything," Queen Hailey responded. Then she coughed.

"Come on, you always have good ideas! I'm sure you can think of something," he pleaded.

She thought for a moment. "Fine then, how about Millicent?"

The king thought it was an awesome name. "Yeah! I like that, Millicent!" He put a hand on the queen's stomach. Then she winced.

"Oh Rosy, she kicks so much."

THEN, the soldiers ran into the room, looking very pleased with themselves. They presented the Clozy Rose to the king and queen. "Your majesties, we found the Clozy Rose! And now our queen will be better!" they shouted in unison. Quick as they could, they took the rose to the chef, Lia, and she quickly made it into a tea. She took it up to the king and queen, but very carefully.

"Ooh, the tea is hot!" she exclaimed.

Time skip to when the queen has the tea

"Quick! Drink it! Then you'll be better!" King Jake said quickly.

The queen rolled her eyes, purposefully drinking it slowly. She immediately felt 10x better. In fact, she felt so much better, that she started having her baby.


Queen Hailey and King Jake looked into the crib where the baby was. She was a lil' chubby, but all babies were. Her hands were curled into little fists, and her legs fidgeted around. Her bright pink hair fell in little tufts to her shoulders. She squeezed her eyes open, earning squeals from some fans. The king reached over and picked her up, smiling widely. She started kicking, and the queen laughed.

"I guess she doesn't like being picked up," she commented, taking the baby and setting her down on their bed. The baby started to play around, and she almost got away with putting her foot in her mouth. The queen sighed. "I can already tell she's going to be a handful."

Time skip to night time (I swear I'm so lazy today)

The woman from earlier sneaked into the sleeping castle, making her way towards the king and queen's room. She opened the door as silently as possible, walking into the room. She saw the king and queen sleeping in their bed, and a crib next to the bed. She snickered, peering over the side of the crib. She was shocked to see that it was empty.

'W-what? Where is she?' she thought, looking desperately around the room. Her eyes landed on the large bed. 'Oh no...'

The little baby was peacefully asleep with her parents, right in the middle of the bed. The woman groaned internally.

She somehow managed to pick up the baby, after much struggle. She grinned, putting the baby in a backpack. (ahem, that's abduction, and no matter how cute she is, you can't steal her)

She quietly slithered out of the room, leaving behind no traces of her being there. As soon as she was out of the castle, she made a break for it, running into the forest with the baby.

A/N: Have some comedy UvU

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