19. Maybe baby

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The sunlight entered the room through the curtain in little slivers that were jus big enough to wake me from my slumber.

I rolled over to see Dylan just waking up as-well so a wrapped my arm around his chest and pulled in close to him. We snuggled there until I all of a sudden lept out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. I ended up vomiting in the toilet.

Was it something I ate?

After I got myself cleaned up me and Dylan headed down stairs to find lovey Mrs Hargreaves making breakfast. Bacon, eggs and has browns...

Shit vomiting again.

I sprinted to the nearest bathroom and vomited once again. What was going on?

I walked back out to the kitchen area and apologised to both of them for my actions.

"I'm not sure what has come over me, I felt fine yesterday, we all ate at the restaurant yesterday" I say sitting down on one of the bar stools at the kitchen bench.

I tried thinking about what might cause me to be sick all of a sudden but it wasn't very helpful as I had the memory of a goldfish.

We ate breakfast while I carefully avoided the hash browns, we decided to have a relaxing day at home after everything that we had been through we needed it. Plus I was sick and school had finished for the term.

We started with a few movie in the living room followed by some baking. Just after we had finished the cookie and put them in the oven my phone rang. It was my mum.
I dreaded what she was going to say as we weren't on each other's good sides.

"Hello?" I say knowing whatever comes next will probably leave me I tears.

"Charlie Louise Steenkamp! I am so incredibly disappointed in you. You went so far to prove to me that you didn't willingly have sex you got the LAW involved! You used to be such a nice young girl, good grades, high standards, model student. Just because you are thousands of kilometres away from me doesn't mean you can throw that all away.

don't bother even coming home this holidays, We have spoken to the school and they will send you to a holiday home. Your father and I are looking into sending you to a boarding school for girls, maybe they will knock some sense into you." She hung up the phone just after that.

I placed my phone on counter and collapsed to the floor and in crying mess.
Dylan came over as soon as he heard me start crying. He helped me to my feet and took me back to the couch. We at there for a bit while he calmed me down and I explained what happened on the phone. Mrs, Hargreaves went over to her phone and spoke to the school about the situation and let the, know I was staying here for the holidays.

We relaxed for a bit longer and then got another phone call from the police department.
This was the phone call that would change my life forever.

Mrs. Hargreaves answered as I didn't think I could. She listened for a bit then hung up. She had an absolute poker face so I couldn't tell what his fate was.

"He's in jail for 5 years for sexual assault, abuse and child endangerment." Mrs Hargreaves said with a smile now creeping onto her face.

We all jumped in joy and celebrated.

Then the realisation hit me.

"Omg I'm pregnant with Ryders baby!"

The Night That Changed My Life Forever Where stories live. Discover now