6. Nip slip

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God that horrid alarm again!!

Dragging myself out of bed I look over at the kitchen and see Dylan making breakfast yet again.

"Why didn't you take food as a course? You seem to be pretty good at it" I say just before going into the bathroom to get ready.

"I dabble in cooking, my mum would always make the yummiest food and once I got old enough to appreciate it she taught me." He explained.

"Damn, my mum would make me a PBJ sandwich and say there's dinner and be done with it" I say chuckling.

I put on some black leather shorts and an oversized grey hoodie with some black vans. My hair was in a plait.

Dylan handed me some bacon and eggs and sat down still in his boxers.

"You look cute when your sleeping" Dylan say out of the blue

Almost chocking on my food i splutter out a "thanks?"

He chuckles and gets dresses. He wore his tie-die tee and a pair of denim shorts and his maroon vans.

Classes were boring that day(shocker) I didn't want to call myself too smart for the classes but I felt like I already knew all the information. I could pass test without studying and homework took 5 minutes to do.

Lunch was the best time of day. I got to see Dylan and eat. My two favourite things.
Just sitting there listening to his voice was soothing enough to put me to sleep. But I had to stay awake to be respectful.

"I was thinking about going to the beach today, wanna come?" Dylan asks

Before I can respond Ryder comes over and sits down.
"Hey baby cakes, did you get my letter?"

"You wrote the note?" I say surprised

"So you did see it? Why did you stand me up then?"

"I...had to..study. Yeah study" I say anxiously

"Oh...like studying do you? How about you study my body, I can study yours."

Omg I could have thrown up

"Piss off Ryder" Dylan pipes in.

"See you round babe" he says before leaving

"Thanks" I wisper to Dylan"

"It's all good, he is seriously a dick sometimes. Plus he needs to be more faithful to the girls he is dating. He has broken like 5 so far this year." Dylan says

"5? We have been at school for 3 weeks?" I say surprised.

Once it gets to the end of the day me and Dylan meet at the door, with our swim suits on and head to the beach. The water was warm and lovely.

"Bet I can stay under longer" Dylan says

"Bet I can" I reply

Acting like 10 year olds we duck under the water and hold out breath. The water is just clear enough to see Dylan go up before me so I stay under for a few seconds longer then him then come up.

"Told you I could beat you." I say once I'm up.

Dylan's eyes then get fixated on my chest and I look down to see what he is looking at and I see the string on my bikini has come undone. I duck back under the water to tie it back up.

"Shit, sorry you had to see that" I say to Dylan apologetically

"It's all good, I'm not mad at what I saw" Dylan says with a grin

I finish tying up my bra and splash him with water. Turning into a splash war that we won. (Can't win everything kids) we decide to get out as it's getting late now and kinda cold.

As we sat on the beach looking into the sunset (cliche right) Dylan wraps his arm around me and say "there is something I have been meaning to ask you, I'm not sure if this will ruin what we have now but I'm going for it. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"I...." I pause thinking about what he just said.

"It's ok if you don't want to..." He starts to say but I cut him off.

"Yes" with a smile on my face

"Awesome" he says now grinning also.

We sit there for a few more minutes then get up and hear back to the dorm room.
We shower and hop into our beds.

"Today was another amazing day" I say

"Agreed. . .girlfriend" Dylan says

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