8. Detention

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As I slowly opened my eyes I saw the sunlight creeping in through the curtains it was a nice day, birds chirping. Typical in the movie 'morning' stuff. Dylan was lying next to me on the couch, he was so cute when he was sleeping, that didn't last long though as I looked at my phone and saw that class started in 5 minutes.
Jerking myself off the couch with Dylan's arm still on my lap I woke him up at the same time.

"What's going on?" He asks. His morning voice was music to my ear but i couldn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to.

"We slept in, class starts in 4 minutes, GET READY QUICK." I scream running to my wardrobe to grab something to wear.

Both dashing around the room we didn't have time to get ready probably so I still had my sweats on from last night and just chucked a hoodie onto of it, with some sneakers and my hair in a new, slightly cleaner bun.

Dylan didn't change his clothes at all staying in his denim shorts and black tie-die shirt. He grabbed his black vans and raced out the door.

I was slightly slower making sure to grab my key then racing to my class.
Luckily my teacher was late to class so I didn't get into trouble. The rest of the day was ok I guess, I hadn't brushed my teeth or hair so I felt icky. At lunch Dylan had to go back to his first period class to do a detention for being late so I sat alone.
Ryder of course took this opportunity to try and flirt with me.

"Don't see Dylan around, that mean your open for business??" He says confidently

"He is actually in detention right now, we are still very much together thanks" I say trying to scare him off.

"Well he isn't here right now..why don't you just give me a chance." As he slides his hand down my backside almost touching my bum.

Moving away slightly "don't you have a girlfriend?" I ask again

He grins and calls out "ELOUISE" a girl come running over, she is about the same hight as me but skinnier and more of a tan then me, blond hair and blue eyes.

"Yes?" She ask Ryder.

" your dumped" he says swatting her away.

She runs off crying smudging her eyeliner and lipstick.

"Now I'm not" he says as he moves closer to me again putting his arm close to my butt.

"Get off her you dickhead" a familiar voice from behind me. I turn around to see Dylan with and angry face ready to punch Ryder for getting near his girl.

"Chill bro, me and her were just talking" he said trying to calm the situation.

Unless he talked with his hand we weren't just talking.

Dylan then sits down next to me saving me from his brother.

"Thanks" I say leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. "How was detention?"

"My teacher is such a bore, I just had to sit there and write "being tardy is bad and I shan't do it again" like 50 times. What is this the 90's??" Dylan said in annoyance. " did you get in trouble?"

"Nah actually, teacher was late so yeah." I said eat my food, I was starving as I didn't get any food that morning.

Soon enough it comes to the afternoon, when I get back to the dorm the first thing I do is shower and get probably clean and I didn't get the chance to that morning. When I came out Dylan was on his bed on his laptop finding a movie to watch.

"Will you join me for a movie? My bed is awfully cold by myself" Dylan says ever so smoothly.

"Just let me get dressed." I say going into my wardrobe and getting out some clothes. Once I had put on some undie and sweatpants Dylan said "all done hop into bed now."

"But I haven't go a shirt on??" I say in confusion

"And that's an issue why?" He says smugly

I laugh and get under his blanket, it was warm under there. I snuggled up to him wrapping my arms around his chest. He snuck his hand under my head then down and rested his hand on my hip.

He put on the movie and we feel asleep soon after the movie started.

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