4. Letter

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                                                                  -1 week later-
Staring out the window of my English classroom seeing all the birds happy with their partners and children made me low key lonely.

"That's all students for today. Remember that there will be a test on this on Friday." Mrs. Tomlinson says before the bell rings

Damn it, I paid no attention and probably will fail this test. My parents are paying good money for me to fail.

We get let out and continue with our regular class for the day.

Once it gets to lunch I find where Dylan is sitting and put my bag down. Just then something drops out of my bag pocket.
It's a letter with my name on it.

"What's that?" Dylan asks while chewing on a sub.

"I honestly don't know. It just fell out of my bag" I reply

I read out the note to myself and Dylan

Dear Charlie
You seem like an old style girl so I figured writing a note like we are in middle school would get you to say yes. Meet me at the beach near the cafe down the street from here at 8 tonight.

Your secret lover

My jaw drops at the thought of someone liking me. The last person who had a crush on me was back in year 7 and he was low key ugly. I turn to Dylan to see his reaction and his face is red with anger.

"You probably shouldn't go, it might be a trap" Dylan says pretty quickly with a hint of fear and anger in his voice.

"I can't go anyway, I have to study for the test we have on Friday." I say

I was thinking of going but Dylan seemed pretty mad about it

"Good" Dylan says taking a massive bite of his sub

The rest of lunch is pretty quiet, with both of us not saying much with our mouths full of food ignoring the situation we were just in.

Eventually the day ended like any other and we all headed back to our room.
I was sitting on my bed studying while Dylan was watching tv

"Don't you think it's a good idea for you to study aswell?" I ask when an ad break comes on for the show he is watching.

"I could do the test in my sleep, I don't need to worry about it." He says with bravery in his voice.

"You wanna help me then?" I say to hopefully break a bit of the tension between us from earlier that day.

"Yeah I suppose" Dylan says rising from the couch.

He comes over and sits down on the side of my bed.

"Ok so we did Shakespeare this week and some of his poems..."

His eyes, his mouth, his everything. He was adorable. Why couldn't I just ask him on a date, he clearly has a crush on me back so why can't I just break the tension.

"Did you hear any of that?" Dylan asks

"Oh um..sorry spaced out" I reply awkwardly

He laughed, and of course his grin came out. I couldn't take it any longer

"Look I want to break the tension between us. Will you go on a date with me?" I ask boldly

His face changed completely, he went from the grin to a surprised face

"Oh um. I'd love to." He said with a weak smile. But I could see the jot and excitement in his eyes.

"You should get back to your tv show, it's way more important then my grades." I say

"it's an old show, I've watch a few times it's all good I'll help you more" he says while smiling now.


We spend about an hour more studying then go to bed.

Omg I finally asked him 😊😊 and he said yes!!!!!

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