5. Date

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The entire day I couldn't stop thinking about the date I had tonight with Dylan, I can't believe I was the brave one that actually asked him. I had always been shy and quite quiet so it was a crazy thing to imagine me asking him.

Once lunch rolled around i again found the table Dylan was sitting at and sat down quietly.

"We never figured out where and what time we would have the day" Dylan all of a sudden said.

"Oh yeah, there's a cafe down the road from here, and is 7 ok?" I reply

"sound awesome"

The rest of the day felt slower then a wet weekend but eventually my class finished and I could head back to my dorm to get ready.
When I got there Dylan was already there because he had 1 less class then me that day so he was in the shower.

I look through my clothes and found a nice dress, heels and a set of nice earrings.
I then played on my phone for a bit while Dylan finished in the shower. But what I didn't expect was to see him butt naked when he came out.

"Omg, what the hell" he screams grabbing his towel and wrapping it round him.

"I came to get ready for a date with a cute boy but he was in the shower so I had to wait." I say with a grin.

He laughs and his amazing smile comes to show.

Butterfly's in a washing machine go round and round in my stomach.

After that I take a quick shower, get dressed, do my hair and put on my makeup.
When I come out of the bathroom he is wearing some nice black pants with a dark blue shirt and black seekers.

"Shall we go?" I ask him

"Yes we shall" he says taking my hand.

It was about a 10 minute walk to the cafe, in the cold night it was a pleasant walk with Dylan there with me, his warmth made me feel happy.

Once we got there and sat down we started talking.

"What was you life like back home?" I ask him after we orders some food.

"It was ok, I went to a small high school switch around 400 student in high school there. My brother had been here last year as he had gotten a scholarship here. With my parents not having to pay for his schooling they managed to save up enough to send me to this school so that's how I ended up here" he explained.

"Oh wow" I say in shock

In the corner of my eye I see 2 figures walk into the cafe. It was Ryder and some girl.

"Is that your brother?" I ask

Dylan turns around and looks at the door.


"Didn't he have another girls last week"

"Yeah he doesn't stay with one girl for longer then a week or so." He says "then theres me, I have never had a girlfriend."

It stays silent for a bit then the food arrives and we start eating. It was a nice salad and some beef of the day.

Once we finished we walked back to the dorm and got ready for bed.

"I had a really good time tonight" I say out of the blue.

"Yeah, me too." He responds quickly sounding sure.

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