20. Big decisions

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Both Dylan and Mrs. Hargreaves looked at me dead in the eyes in horror and shock.

"Are you sure?" Dylan says in angst.

"No, but it all makes sense now. I felt sick this morning, I couldn't take in the smell of hash browns, it's been 2 weeks since the rape and There wasn't protection." I pause as tears swell up in my eyes. "What am I going to do?"

I collapse into Dylan arms and he holds me close while I let it all out. Mrs. Hargreaves gently rubs my back which helps calm me down.

After a few minutes pass I finished crying and ready to decide what we do next.

"I couldn't get and abortion with Ryder as I didn't have the money. But if I were to go back and get the abortion..." she paused tears welling up in her eyes.

"I don't really believe in abortions but do I really want to raise a child knowing they are a rape child?" I asked before she could finish her sentence.

It was a pretty big thing to think about and I couldn't make the decision on the spot.

Dylan looked deep into my eyes and said "whatever you chose to do I will support and help you."

I smiled and hugged him close.

Soon it was time for dinner and bed, we ordered pizza as no one wanted to cook and headed to bed.


                                                                  -next day-

Standing in the bathroom with the little stick in my hand I shake at the thought of being pregnant, I loved kids and I wanted to be a mother...
just not quite so soon.

I placed the stick down on the counter and waited foe what felt like an eternity, it was really 3 minutes though.

I looked down at the test and saw 2 lines not overly visible but there.
Tears well up in my eyes and I begin to sob.

Dylan and his mum hear me and come into the bathroom. We all stand there in a group hug for a few minutes then finally break apart.

"What are you going to do?" Mrs Hargreaves says.

"I..." I can barely get out the words "I'm going to get the abortion."

Mrs. Hargreaves gets out her phone and makes the appointment for me.
I'm not sure about anything that's happening but I know that I'm doing what's best for me.

Once it comes time for the appointment Dylan came with me and stayed with me up until right before the procedure. It was quick and painless, well if you exclude that fact I'm destroying a child life who I never met then quick and painless.

-end of senior year-

I have just finished my first and last year at the boarding school.
My mum obviously refused to take me back into her house after I had tried to explain what happened.

I decided to just move in with the Hargreaves and they would be my "family".
Mrs. Hargreaves had always wanted a daughter so she was quite excited when I asked her if I could stay there until I could afford a place of my own.

I continue to date Dylan as he had been through a lot with me and still stayed.
I'm going to attend a small high school about an hour bus ride from where we lived. Dylan would be going there as-well, so at least I knew someone there.

Mrs. Hargreaves was a better mum then my parents could have ever been. She listened to me, she wanted to get to know me, she would payed for everything that a normal parent would for their child. I was forever greatful for her.

I would never want to be raped again that's for sure. But I'm a little glad that I went through all that. Otherwise I wouldn't be living with the Hargreaves and I can't imagine my life any differently.

-the end-

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