Two Heros Part 2

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Bakugo and Kirishma was late and not answering their calls.
"I'll go look for them." i said.
"Wait YN you'll be late for the party!" Melissa said.
"I'll be fine. I know where they are at. You guys go ahead. I find them and come back less then 5 minutes." I said.
"I can go with you." Todoroki said to me.
"It's okay. Here just hold this for me." I gave him my purse. I didn't want to carry a purse when i'm kicking Kirishima and Bakugo's ass.

I left to find the boys.

I went threw a couple of hallways of the building trying to find them. Then i heard familiar voices.

"Moron, you absolutely positive we are going the right direction." Bakugo said from afar.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure we are." Kirishima said in a lying tone.
"Your pretty sure?!!" Bakugo said.
"Well I left my phone back in the room so we are going by instinct." Kirishma announced.

"BOYS!" I yelled and got their attention.
"Your late." I yelled again.
"YN our savior!" Kirishma said.
"Wow YN, you look amazing!" Kirishima said.
"YN you look pretty." Bakugo said to me.
I hugged them both.
"Wow you both smell good." I said while hugging them.
"But hurry let's go find the others and go to the party!"

We went were walking and i ended up getting lost.
"So. Uh. I kinda lost my way out of here." I said to them.
"YN! YOU IDOIT!" Bakugo yelled.
"Calm down Bakugo, it's okay YN do you have your phone?" Kirishma asked me.
"Uh no." I said. Bakugo getting angrier.
"It's okay! It's okay! We can just find out way, lets go." Kirishima said to us.

We made our way threw halls after halls.
We suddenly ended up at a Plantation Room with so many plants.

"This place is very pretty." I said looking around.

We heard someone come from an elevator. Maybe they can help us.


"HEY WE SEE YOU STUPID KIDS!" Someone yelled at us.
"What did you say you bastard!" Bakugo yelled at him!
"What are you three doing here?!" Another person asked us.
"Huh, that's what i wanna know too." Bakugo answered angrily.
"Hey, leave this to me." Kirishima said.
"Umm we kinda got lost looking for this party. Can you maybe point us to the right direction?" Kirishima asked.
"Yeah, we got lost. We are already late for the party and our friends are waiting for us." I added to Kirishimas comment.

"DONT LIE TO ME OR YOU'LL REGRET IT!" The villain said powering up his quirk.
He created an energy ball and threw it to my direction.
"HEY WATCH OUT!" Bakugo yelled.
Bakugo then ran up to me and grabbed me by the waist and put his body in front of mine to protect me.

We were actually protected by an Ice block.

"Wait this looks like-" I started to say.
"Todoroki's ice." Kirishima added me my sentence.

We looked over to the side and saw Todoroki. As well as everyone else there with us.

"The 3 of us can keep it busy here, look for a way to get to the top." Todoroki said sending our classmates up to the second floor with with ice.

"I'm fine. GO! I'll be behind you after i clean up this mess." Todoroki stated to everyone.

"What's going on Todoroki?" I said.
"YN!? I THOUGHT I SENT YOU UP WITH OUR CLASSMATES!" He said instead of answering.
"You guys didn't head the broadcast message?" Todoroki asked us. But none of us knew anything going on.
"Never mind then, some villains has taken over the Island." He explained.
"That's what this is about?" Bakugo said.
"I'll explain more when i can. No time now!" He said knowing villains will attack again.

The villains soon destroyed the wall of ice.

"What's with this guys quirk!" I said.
"Stay on your guard!" Todoroki said to us.
"Shut up, i know that!" Bakugo said

One of the villains who looked normal turned into a purple monster.

"Oh God! It's Thanos!" I yelled.
Kirishma laughed at my comment.

"So you guys wanna pick a fight. Let's see how tough you really are!" He yelled at us.

Todoroki then threw ice to hit but the villain broke threw them.
Bakugo then blasted him with his quirk from the back which hurted the villain.

Bakugo was looking away and the villain showed up and was about to punch Bakugo.
"BAKUGO!" I said pushing him out of the way so he wouldn't get it.
"YN!" Kirishima yelled. He pushed me out of the way so i don't get hit.
Kirishma got punched and was sent flying to the wall.
"KIRISHIMA !" Bakugo and I yelled.

Todoroki ran behind me and picked me up from the ground since i had a dress on. Bakugo got up himself
"Here take my jacket. It will be comfortable for you to fight in and i can manage more fire without it on." Todoroki said while taking off his jacket and handing it to me.
I put it on.
"Guys focus!" Bakugo said to us.

"You guys know how to fight" One villain said. The other said, "Where did you guys come from?"
Bakugo answered, "right, like we will tell a couple of weak ass villains."
"Why would we tell you anything." Todoroki answered.

We started fighting. Bakugo knocked out the big purple monster while Todoroki was taking care of the other. I was in a dress so it was hard to fight without flashing anything. I was wearing a shorts under though.

I managed to run fast and used my combat quirk to kick the villains head that Todoroki was fighting and knock him out. Todoroki then froze him.

"We did it." I said tired.
Todoroki walked up to me.
"Your purse is inside one of my pockets." He said pointing at his jacket i was wearing.
"oh thank you."
My hair was messed up a bit from the fight.
Todoroki fixed some pieces of my hair to the correct side. I was blushing i could feel it.

Then i remembered something

"Kirishma!" i yelled.

We ran to where Kirishima was at.
"Kirishima!" "Are you okay?" We asked him.
"Kirishima? Are you stuck?" I asked him.
"I can't move, Can you get me out of here." He said to us.

He was stuck to the wall but his Quirk was on, that's why he was stuck.

"Are you stupid, just turn your damn quirk off you idiot." Bakugo said.
"Oh right. Guess i shouldn't thought about that." He said embarrassed.
"I'm just glad you aren't injured." Todoroki said to him.
"Yeah, same to you guys." Kirishma answered back.

Bakugo walked up to me, "uh, thank you" he said. I had no words!
"Your welcome, i had to do something or else you'll get injured." I said to him shoving him playfully.

I turned to Kirishma.
"Kirishma thank you. I would've gotten punch if it wasn't for you." I said to him.
"Don't worry about it YN. Glad your safe." He said to me.

"Right, lets catch up to the others." Todoroki said.
"Don't order me around!" Bakugo said.
"Todoroki time to give us details about what's going on." Kirishma said.
Before Todoroki could've answered.

Hundreds of robots came towards us from every direction.

"shit. here we go again." I said

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