Part 2 of UA Festival

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Everyone had their teams. I was extremely confident with my team. Cmon i mean we got, Uraraka zero gravity quirk, Tokoyami's dark shadow, Midoriya's strategies, and me defense!

BEGUN ! Midnight yelled

Right away everyone started running towards our team. I mean we do have over 10 million points. I won't let that get taken away!

"We do what we need to do" Midoriya said. "RUN!!" With that we started running trying to avoid everyone.
There was this team from class 1-B who kept on following us. One of their quirks made us stuck with some quicksand type of quirk. HELL NO. It's to early to lose.
"URARAKA!" I yelled. "MAKE US FLOAT, ILL GIVE IN POWER WITH MY LEGS TO GET US OUT AND JUMP" I continued. "OKAY" she said back to me.
"Good strategy YN!" Midoriya said.
My leg was stuck in the quicksand pretty deep, i secretly used one quirk that I made up when i was younger, it was one that makes anything sticky get unstuck.
Long story short, i was 5 and i was playing with slime while dressed with my dads Golden Age costume that he had hanging and the slime fell and got stuck on it, i was freaking out cause i knew i would get in trouble. So my 5 year old self did what i could and make a quirk to get out sticky situations. Smile, glue, concrete, you name it and i'm out if it.
I used a bit of that quirk and made my leg lose.
"1....2...3!!!" I used my strong combat jumping down with a bit of One for all and With that we were in the air.
"SHIT !! I NEVER FLEW BEFORE!" i yelled. Weird, with all quirks i've never tried flying. With that we were floating above everyone. We were slowly going down and made it safely to the ground.
"NICE JOB URARAKA" Midoriya said.
(If you guys are wondering why all words are in CAPS it is because they have to yell because it's to loud to hear themselves)
We kept running away and avoiding everyone.
Bakugo was coming after us but he got caught up with this team from 1-B. Dang it, i wanted to fight him.
There was Shouji running up to us, it looked like he had no one but little did we know, Mineta and Tsu was inside his wall of body parts.  Tsu kept trying to get Midoriya's bandanna with her tongue and Mineta kept throwing his sticky grape balls at us.
I kicked up in the air and using my no sticky quirk, i kicked Minetas purple grape balls right back at him. That slowed them down a bit but Shouji dodged some. Mineta was out because his head started to bleed with to much use of his quirk. Tsu then used her tongue and tried to get the headband but i raised my hand and grabbed her tongue. EW BARF. i grabbed it and used forced to pull and let it go like a slingshot. That stopped them almost to perfect. Her tongue tripped Shouji.
"YN, your the coolest person i know." Midoriya said. "I know brother, but tell me this when we aren't under attack" We had to keep running.

We kept running but Tokoyami stopped the whole team. I looked forward and saw Todoroki's team right in front of us.
"shit, this is going to be fun!" i said.
Todoroki said to us, "I'll be taking that now."

Kaminari ,who was on Todoroki's team, electrocuted everyone. We didn't get much since Dark Shadow covered for us. That poor bird.
Soon after Todoroki froze everyone but our team and his.
Dark Shadow tried to attack Todoroki's team but was blocked by one of Momo's creations.
"We have to be careful with Momo's creation quirk" Midoriya said.
"No, we have to be careful with Kaminari's electricity. It slows down Dark Shadow with the lighting" said Tokoyami.
Todoroki froze everything around us so we were cornered with his team and ours.
I saw Iida was starting to getting warmed up, in less then a second he was running towards us with a move called Extreme Speed Overdrive!! I knew we could never dodge it. NOT YET.
I used one of my quirks that slows down time but it only affects me. Others are living in the moment while my eyes are seeing everything in slow motion.
Seeing Iida running towards us with everything he got, I saw that Todoroki's arm was reaching towards Midoriya's headband. HELL NO. I used my One for All and Combat punch to punch the LIVING SHIT out of Todoroki's arm. I saw him reacting to the pain in his arm.

I stopped using my quick and saw that they lost a bit of balance because i was able to punch Todoroki's arm and move my team in less then 1 second.

"YOU GOTTA TRY HARDER THEN THAT PRETTY BOY!" i yelled towards Todoroki.

"YN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!" Midoriya said with tears in his eyes. "Midoriya, focus. We have less then 60 seconds to keep the headband with us!" i said back to him.

Iida's engine was jacked up but he still managed to run. Todoroki's team was close to us and I saw that he used his left side. FIRE. NO MF WAY.
At the same time, Midoriya was turing on One for All.
"STOP!!" i yelled. It was meant to Midoriya but Todoroki reacted to it. I didn't want Midoriya to waste his arm with a shot that will cost him the whole festival. Todoroki on the other hand, i had no idea why my words caused him to stop using his fire.
There was 5 seconds on the clock, Bakugo suddenly appeared flying in the air.
I backed up my team to get away from both teams that suddenly appeared.
5.....4.....3.....2.....1. Bakugo fell straight on his face. Oof.
"END OF CALVARY BATTLE" Midnight said.
Midoriya got off of our arms and he hugged me right away, making Uraraka join in on the hug, i saw Tokoyami didn't join so i pulled his arm into our Victory Group Hug!!
"YN you were so awesome!" Uraraka said to me. Midoriya was crying. Ugh i love these people. "Thank you thank you but i couldn't of done with without you guys." i said to them. Midoriya kept crying.

I made my way over to Todoroki because i saw him holding his arm i punched. I honestly felt satisfied but guilty.
"hey" i said to him. He just turned and looked at me blankly.
"sorry about my punch." i said to him sincerely.

"how did you manage to stop my arm from grabbing Midoriya's headband and move your team from Iida's speed in less than a second?" he questioned me, still holding his arm.
"i...uh...yea about tha-" i was interrupted by Midnight.
"1st place, TEAM MIDORIYA, 2nd place, TEAM TODOROKI, 3rd place, TEAM BAKUGO....."
Another team won as well but i wasn't paying attention because Todoroki just looked at me and left without saying anything.

We had a break before the last final of the Festival. Good i needed it. I was looking for Midoriya but i couldn't find him anywhere. I was walking down the hall and i saw my father with the superhero Endeavor. I tried my best to avoid them.
"YN, come here" i heard my dad say.
No one was in the halls. It was a private place for Heros only. I was there because i wanted to find Midoriya but first i needed a snack from my Dad. Believe it or not but my dad always has the best snacks.
I made my way to my dad who was in his All Might body and Endeavor.
"I see you're daughter is strong and determined" Endeavor said to my dad.
Yes he knows about me. Almost every top 10 heros know about me but not all of them know about me and my quirks.
"Thank you" my dad says. I seriously didn't want to be there.
"You were up against with my son. That was some punch you threw at him" he said annoyedly.
"I had to stop him one way or another." i said blankly.
"You made his turn of his left side. I thank you for that" he said to me.
I know what he's up to, he wants Todoroki to use his fire power which he got from Endeavor. When i was younger, i tried mind reading because i wanted to know what my dad got me for Christmas. Endeavor was over at my house for some reason that i don't know but all i can remember was his thoughts. "She's going to overtake Shouto. With her father being All Might she is one of the most gifted children to ever exist. If my boy won't stop complaining and just use his left side." That is all I remember from that day years ago.

"It is his power, he can do whatever he wants with it. I didn't do anything" I said to him.
"Excuse me, i need to eat and find my friends." i said to both my dad and Endeavor.

I made my way out of the building. Ugh i have a bad feeling about that mans past. I made my way to find Midoriya and find Todoroki.

This was one of my favorite chapters i wrote so far. Hope you guys enjoyed!!! I'll probably post another chapter probably by tonight.

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