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We continued following Yaoyorozu. After a while we arrived at the location. It looked like an abandoned rotten house.

"Okay this is the spot the tracker is broadcasting from." Momo said.
"So that's their hideout. Not a bad one i guess." Kirishima said.
"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. According to the tracking history, the villain hasn't left this location for the past day but that's all we know. One villain is hiding here but that could be it. They might have Bakugo somewhere else. We are going into this operation completely blind for the most part. Please try to proceed logically." Momo said to us.
"I don't like this. None of us are good sneaking around. We need Hagakure or Jiro here. If i think things are going to be the least bit dangerous, we're done. I won't hesitate to call the police either to make sure my friends are safe." Iida spoke up.
"Thank you Iida. So what can we do with what's in front of us?..." Midoriya said and continued his daily mumbling that no one understands.

I haven't eaten in a long time due to stress. I notice that's their was a vending machine. I needed water or something.
"Guys let's walk to the vending machine. I need water and plus it looks suspicious that we are here staring at the villains hideout." I said to them.
They followed me to the vending machine. I took out a dollar from my pocket but Midoriya already bought a water for me.
"Here." He said handing me the water bottle.
"I notice that you haven't been eating lately. I need you to stay hydrated. Please." He said in a whisper so only i can here.

"We gotten pretty close but i haven't seen anything moving inside." Momo said.
"And not a single light is on. It doesn't look like anyone's home." Kirishima stated.
"Their hiding this in plain sight. It looks like an random abandoned wear house." Todoroki said.
"The weeds in the front of the door are thick and undisturbed. Their must be another way to get in. We need to be careful because it can just be a trap. We need to-" Midoriya was cut off.

"HEY! You looking for a real man darling. Ditch these losers and come drink with us" A drunk said to Momo.
Midoriya and Iida were yelling at the drunks.

Todoroki pulled me behind him.
Drunks can be unpredictable.

"Let's get out of here." Todoroki said to me and everyone else. We walked hand in hand.

We got away from the drunks and we were hiding against a wall.
"It's not crowed but their are people around." Todoroki said.
"We can't draw attention to ourselves so what's our next move?" Momo asked.
"Let's go around the back. It might be the best chance we have to get some solid intel on this place" I said to them.

We were squeezed when we were walking between two building.
We saw a window.
"There. We should be able to get some intel on that window." Midoriya said.
"We'll be blind in the darkness" Todoroki said.
"I can see in the dark." I spoke up.
"What?" Momo said.
"Ughhh. What?" i tried to play it off.

Shit. I forgot that Kirishima and Momo don't know about my unlimited quirks.

"One second. I will make a night vision scope." Momo said.
"Wait. No need. I actually brought one along with me for this. When i thought about what we will have to do i figure we might need it." Kirishima.
"Aren't those models really expensive? I did some research when i was thinking about including them in my costume?" Midoriya asked.
"Whatever man, just drop it." Kirishima said.
"Right. Then Kirishima will serve as our scout. Midoriya, YN back him up." Todoroki said.

Kirishima went onto Iida's shoulders. Midoriya to Todoroki. And I went onto Momo's.

"Tell us what you see inside. Quickly and be quite" Iida said.
"Got it." Kirishima said.

I turned my night vision quirk on so i can see inside the dark room.
"YN your eyes are glowing." Midoriya said quietly so only i couldn't hear.
"My night vision quirk is on. Block my eyes from Kirishima and Momo. I don't want to explain." I said to Midoriya. He nodded.
"It doesn't look like..Arghh!" Kirishima yelled.
"The back left. The corner Midoriya." Kirishima said shaking. He gave the scope to Midoriya.
I looked at the back left of the room.

Nomus! Many of them.

"Uhh! Hey!" Kirishima said to get our attention.
I looked over and saw a truck getting picked up.
"Is that-" Midoriya was about to say but Mount Lady kicked the building. Causing a strong wind to knock us out of balance.

We got up from the floor. My held my arm because i landed on it.

My presence quirk was on and i felt other presences.
Best Jeanist was here also! As well as Tiger!

"Everything is fine. The heros were on top of this way before we were!" Iida said to us.
"This is great" Kirishima said.
"Now then. Let's get back home." Iida said
"It sounded like All Might was somewhere else. Does that mean he's rescued Katchan?" Midoriya said.
"If All Might is on the scene. That means their is so reason for us to worry. Let's go" Momo said

Easy for you to say. He's a hero to your eyes. But to mine, he's my dad. I'm worried to a point that I might throw up.

"Guys wait." I whispered to them.
"What is it?" Kirishima asked me.
Everyone was staring at me.

I felt uneasy. I lost balance which made Midoriya catch me just in time.

"YN. What's wrong?" Midoriya asked worriedly.
"Guys.....I don't feel good." I said to them holding tightly to Midoriya.
"Did you eat? Drink water?" Iida asked me.
"No no. It's not about that. I have this feeling like someone else is here. Someone powerful." I said.
I made eye contact with Midoriya.
"HE'S here." i said.

Midoriya's eyes went wide knowing I was talking about All for One.

There was a large explosion.


All of use ducked down. Our backs against the wall.

We were all scared, shaking. We were in the presence of the most powerful villain.
All we felt was the presence of death.

"Well then. Let's begin." I heard All for One say.

Enjoy this short chapter!!!


MY ANSWER: I LOOOVE mint chocolate chip but i don't like plain chocolate.

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