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"Hey All Mights daughter! You entering inside. With your strength we will need you." I got a heads up from the Chief before we left to the Hassaikai.
I got a name i said to myself.

Once we arrived at the Hassaikai. We were ready to go in and find Eri.
The police force was with us. They stayed outside as well as other Pros.

Once we were about to intrude in, Villains popped out of no where coming from Hassaikai headquarters.
But me, Midoriya. Togata, and others kept running into the building.
We left those villains for the pros outside and the police.
They are just going to be a waste of time to fight.

We continued to run inside of the building. Nighteye was leading since he had Foresight of the one Villains entre here.
He suddenly stopped in front of a table to the right.
"This is it." He said "There's a device here that opens a hidden passage. You press down the floor boards in a specific order, and then.." The door was sliding open.
"It's like a ninja hideout! How cool!" Bubble Girl said.
"Guards up, we don't know what we will be facing in there." The pro hero Centipeder spoke.

When the door was sliding, 4 Villains popped out from the hidden passage.

"Bubble Girl! You handle the third!" Centipeder said taking care of the other 3 villains.
Bubble Girl took down the other one.
"We will make sure there guys don't follow you. You go on ahead." She said.
"You heard her." Nighteye spoke while running into the hidden passage.

We were running, following Nighteye. He suddenly stopped.
There was a wall blocking our passage to the pathway.
"It looks like a dead end. So, what now?" Chief spoke.
"So much for your foresight, Nighteye." Locklock said.
"Hold on, let me go take a look." Togata said.
"Lemillion, if you go through, you'll be naked." Kirishima said
"It's okay. Mirio's costume was constructed from a special fixer made of his own hair. It's designed so it becomes permeable when he activates his quirk." Amajiki said.

As Togata went through the wall, he came back.
"The hallways just been blocked with this wall. Unfortunately, breaking through its not gonna be easy." Togata said.
"If Chisaki did this, it means we got to be on the right track." Midoriya spoke.
"Yeah, you're right." Kirishima said.
"But he's an idiot if he thinks a dumb wall will stop us." I spoke while running towards the wall.

I enable my destruction quirk to my fist.
They powered up in less then a second.
Once i felt strong enough, i punched the wall which broke into millions of pieces.

"Hey that didn't suck." LockLock said.
"I'll say. She beat me to the punch." Fat Gum spoke.
"We need to keep moving." I said.

We started running in the pathway but all of a sudden the walls and floors were twisting.
"What's going on?" Kirishima yelled.
"Everything is twisting." Midoriya said.
It was hard to keep our balance.

"Must be Iranakas quirk. Chisaki quirk can't manage to do this. He can control solid objects with his own body." Chief spoke. "He must've gotten in these concrete walls and make this a living maze."
"Last time he could only do objects big as a refrigerator. Now what?" LockLock said.
"He's using the drug, performance enhancer, remember who we are dealing with." Fat Gum said.

It was hard to say balanced, my body kept moving from wall to wall.

"Whoa" I fell down. Come on YN keep balance.
"here" I looked up and saw Amajiki giving me his hand to lift me up.

Togata started running continuing the route.
"Lemillion!" I said.
"Come back." Midoriya yelled.
"The only thing now is time. That's why theyre stalling for time. I'm going on ahead." Togata said while running.

"Slipping through the walls huh. Even if he does reach them, what can he do by himself?" The villain Iranakas spoke from the walls.
In a matter of seconds, the villains created a huge hole on the bottom of the floor, causing all of us to fall down into an empty room.

"Now where are we?" Midoriya spoke.
"Somewhere even farther from the target. Those guys are really screw-in with us."LockLock said

"Well what have we here? Looks like some state-authorized thugs crashed our party." 3 villains entered the room. "Isn't that strange?"
"These guys are obviously ready for a fight. Let's see how long petty criminals can last against the strength of a pro-" Fat Gum was cut off by Amajiki.
"The pros should save their strength for when we reach the target. These guys just wanna slow us down. Go On, I can handle them myself." Amajiki spoke strongly.
"You don't have too, we'll work together." Kirishima said.

"Please everyone, stay. I'll kill you all." One of the villains spoke.
The villain started running towards us.
"Think again." Aizawa spoke.
The villain stopped all of a sudden.
"My quirk!"
"Power erasure? He's an inferior version of Eri." The other villain said pointing a gun towards Aizawa.

"Fight all you want, but swords and bullets just sink into my body! You have no hope if beating us, so why even bother." Fat Gum said.
"Big talk, but you just sound scared to me, Hero." The villain spoke.

"Eraser, cancel their quirks so we can use our firearms." The Chief and his police man said pointing their guns towards the villains.

Before they even had a change to shot. Amajiki used his quirk.
"Toya Setsuni. Quirk, Larceny. Yu Hojo: Crystallize. Soramitsu Tabe: Food." Amajiki said. "I read all about these guys in the briefing." He said and used his octopus power to grab them all and throw them into the wall.
"I can take these three on." He spoke. "It's not smart for all of us to fight them. They want as many heroes stalked here as possible. Let's just give them one." Amajiki continued.
"Fat Gum, i know this is something I can do on my own!"

"Let's go!" Fat Gum said trusting Amajiki.
"Amajiki you need to move fast. Beat them before they can fight back." My uncle said to him.
I was about to run out uncle Amajiki stopped Midoriya and I.
"Before you go. You have to take care of Mirio. He's definitely going to try too hard. So please keep him safe." Amajiki said worriedly about his best friend.
"We will. Be safe, okay Amajiki." I said running out of the room.
"Okay!" I heard him answer.

Midoriya and I caught up with the others.



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