First Day

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I got up with the ringing of my phone. I got ready by brushing my teeth, light makeup on, and my school uniform. Since i live at UA i decided to meet Midoriya by the school entre. There were paparazzi trying to get in looking at the school, looking for All Might. I decided to stay away from the entrance cause i don't want to get caught up in that. I say Midoriya trying to get inside the school but the paparazzi kept pushing, shoving, asking questions, etc. I went over to try and help him. I grabbed onto his arm and started pulling him away from the paparazzi. the paparazzis kept saying "what's your quirk?" "are you excited that All might is teaching" etc. They were asking every student but no one is answering them. haha kinda funny. Midoriya and I made it away from the paparazzi. We were about to walk up the stairs until Midoriya tripped. I didn't notice it cause i was looking back at all the paparazzi. Midoriya was saved by the girl I saw at the exams. Her power helped him up. "Glad i caught you" she said. "I'm Uraraka." I looked over at Midoriya and he was full on red as a tomato. "Hi" i spoke up "i'm YN and this is Midoriya" i finished. "h...i...i...hi" Midoriya stuttered. He's not used to girls. "Uraraka, what class are you in?" i asked. "Class 1-A, what about you guys?" "We are also" i spoke up. "Mind if i walk with you guys?" Uraraka asked. Midoriya finally spoke up. "S..s..sure." I whispered in Midoriyas ear "ladies man" He just blushed from embarrassment.

We made our way to class 1-A , Midoriya a ladies man as he is, opened the door for us. We entered and there were some students there. I remember the kid with the grey blondish hair. He was being told by a boy with glasses to put his feet off of the tables. "What's his name again?"i thought to myself.  "KATCHAN" Midoriya said. "DEKU, HOW DID A LOSER LIKE YOU GET INTO THIS SCHOOL ?!!!" As soon as he saw me he went quite. "huh?" i said to myself. But it was because our teacher. Uncl...i mean Mr. Aizawa was right behind us. "Class has begun and very one into their seat." Uraraka found her seat on the left side. Deku and i went to the right side by the window. I sat behind Deku next to this one short boy. (oh no!) and the girl i saw from the recommendations sat behind me. I smiled at her as a greeting and she waved back. Sitting next to her is the boy i saw from the recommendations also. Todoroki. He was more attractive in person. WAIT i mean he looks more taller in person. He has a scar on his left eye. Which i think is pretty cool. Mr. Aizawa spoke up. "Everyone go put your gym clothes on from the school and meet me outside" "What about orientation?" someone asked. "This is my class so i pick what we do"he said. "Whoever doesn't pass what i'm about to give you is going to be kicked out of the school." he said intensively. I didn't know if he was joking or not.
The class met up outside like how we were told to. I stood next to Midoriya, and someone with red hair. "okay I will be testing your limits and quirks. If you cant pass then you have no reason to be here" i can feel the tension from everyone. "Bakugo how far can you throw a ball without your quirk?" He spoke up "i don't know about 50 meters" "Now throw it with your quirk" Aizawa said. Bakugo walked up with a ball in his hand. "DIE!!" He said when throwing the ball. "die?" Midoriya said in his mind. Aizawa measured his distance. "705.2 meters" "damn" i said under my breath. Everyone had their turn. Uraraka got infinity!!! It was my turn next and Midoriya last. I walked up to the ball and thought about what quirk i would use to help throw the ball. I turned to Aizawa and he knew what i was thinking. He mouthed, "you're only allowed to use one quirk" i grunted. UGH. i forgot. With a little help with the One for all quirk i used around my hand, i threw the ball as hard as i could with only 2% of my power. I turned back to Aizawa and the meters listed. "923.5 meters" Aizawa wasn't impressed because he saw me do more then that. "Good job" he said low. I went back over to Midoriya and people were saying how cool it was of me to throw the ball that much. "thank you" i said to the boy with red hair. "My names Kirishima" he said. "YN" you said back. Then it was Midoriyas turn. Aizawa canceled his quirk knowing he will ruin his arm if he did. Aizawa gave him a straight up answer on why he should think more...blah....blah. I heard the same speech every time he would coach me. Then Midoriya went to throw the ball again. When he threw it, i saw he just used one of his fingers. "705.3"

After what felt like forever. We finished. We did running, jumping, etc. I got highest on all of them beside the baseball because Uraraka got infinity. I did cheat a little, using little bits of quirks i can think of. Aizawa caught on but he didn't care. He knew i should be practicing certain skills. but I just wanted to go back to my room and eat chips until i pass out. The results came in. I was number one. duh. jkjk. and then it was Momo, Todoroki, Bakugo, Ida, etc etc etc. And last place was Midoriya. Aizawa said, "I wanted to test you guys out, no one is getting kicked out. End of class" he left probably going to go to sleep or something. What a relief for Midoriya. I felt like Uncle Aizawa was lying but he is very believable. "I couldn't believe you guys didn't catch on earlier" Momo said.

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