part 1 of the UA Festival

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Today was the first day of the festival. All of class 1-A were sitting in a lounge together.
"aww, i wanted to wear my costume today" mina said looking at her PE clothes. "At least all of us are wearing the same thing." Sero said back to her. It's true i did want to wear my costume but whatever works.
I was standing up behind Midoriya who was sitting down. I put my hands on his shoulders because he was a nervous wreck.
"Midoriya trust me, you're going to be-" i was interrupted. I hate being interrupted
"Midoriya" Todoroki spoke to him.
I got out of the way because Midoriya wanted to stand up.
"What is it Todoroki?" He said back. Todoroki spoke up, "Clearly I am stronger then you. With All Might by your side as well as YN, it's will be hard to defeat you. I'm going to beat you."  Kirishma walked up to Todoroki, "hey man, we shouldn't be fighting" he said to him. Todoroki shoved him and started walking away to but Midoriya spoke up.
"Yes, you are stronger then me. and have more experience then me. But i'm going to try my best to win!"
My teenage thoughts over here saying. Why would Todoroki think that it will be easy for Midoriya to win when i'm with him? *gasp* DOES HE THINK IM GOOD. Does he think i can beat anyone? That i'm impossible to beat!! YN SHUT THE FUCK UP! You're a bad bitch with unlimited quirks but no one knows that. You don't need approval from anyone. But coming from him it sounded Amazing. I better not have a crush on a guys i barely even know.

After what happened we all started making our way to the stadium. There was an announcement about 1-A going to the stadium. We made our way and other classes followed.
Midnight appeared in a costume that was not school rated. But she's a bad bitch so she can do whatever she wants.
"Please can Katsuki Bakugo make his way to the stage, he was the number 1 in the entrance exams."
I was standing next to Midoriya and Kirishma. Bakugo started making his way to the stage by the mike. Please don't say anything dumb, please don't say anything dumb, i kept saying in me head.
"I just wanna say, I'm going to win" he said. and walked off the stage. OH NO. The others classes are going to hate us more now. He walked off the stage with confidence. With that Midnight gave an explanation to everything and how the festival will work.

With that the first round started, everyone was running to the first race, everyone was stuck and crowded in the tunnel.
I wasn't doing the first race because i wasn't allowed to. My dad said that i'll beat everyone cause i did this race as training everyday since i could remember and also so i don't stand out and catch the eye of villains.
Midnight called for me when everyone was making their way to the first race and she told me to go up where 1-A was going to sit, secretly so i don't make anyone notice me. I made my way to the seats and sat by myself watching everyone. Good time to analyze everyone and how they work.
I was watching the screen and notice that some people manage to get away from the crowded tunnel. With that they were frozen because Todoroki froze them all. Some dodged like Bakugo, Momo, etc. Everyone made their way out of the ice and got ready to face the next tasks. Robots. Todoroki froze them when they were unbalanced for a reason. When they fell they will block the way to the other people. Todoroki sure is smart. He was number one in the whole race so far.
(i skipped a little cause i don't want to write the whole race)
The face was intense, Todoroki and Bakugo are  neck and neck about to finish. I had no idea who was going to win. I was looking for Midoriya who was almost last and i saw that he had a metal shield from one of the robots, he had an idea. I looked back at the two boys who are neck and neck without a second looking at  Midoriya, he went flying with the metal shield that he used as a sled. YESSSS. I thought to myself, if i look away just for a second, Midoriya does something crazy. He was flying and when he was about to land he pushed Todoroki and Bakugo to the ground which caused an explosion! Midoriya was running as fast as he can. In first place. The two boys were running up to him. Midoriya was almost there. Todoroki and Bakugo almost by him. then Present Mike yells. "MIDORIYA WON!!"
"TODOROKI 2nd" "BAKUGO 3rd!!"
YES MIDORIYA WON THE FIRST ROUND. I made my way to the stadium so i can join the next game. I ran up to Midoriya and hugged him. "IM SO PROUD OF YOU." i said with my arms around him. "I DID IT YN!" he said hugging me tightly. We let go and i saw more people starting to come.

We were all facing Midnight as she was explaining the next game. She kept saying that everyone had a number from the last race. I had 0 since i didnt race. Midoriya had......10 MILLION!! Everyone was staring at Midoriya. Oh no, no one will want to be in his team. We needed a group of 4. Everyone started getting together and getting away from Midoriya. No one wanted to be in a group that will be targeted the most.
"let's do this Midoriya!" i said to him. He was happy that he wasn't alone. "Are you sure you want to be a part of my team? Everyone will be targeting us since we have the most points. They want to steal our points." he said nervously. "Midoriya i don't care, your like my brother, We are stuck together. We win or lose, we will fight. okay?" i said. "okay" he said with a big smile! "and i mean, we aren't gonna lose." i said back to him.
"Can i be apart of your team?" someone asked. It was Uraraka!! "Yes of course" i said. "Are you sure, everyone will want to steal from us the most" Midoriya said. "Let's do this" she said to us. "Okay we just need 1 more person." i said. Everyone kept saying "no" to us because of Midoriya's points. Even Iida said no, he was apart of Todoroki's team. shit.
i heard someone calling for me, i turned and it was Bakugo. "ROCKY, YOUR IN MY TEAM, END OF STORY!" he said to me. "I wish i could but i'm in Midoriya's" i said back to him. "REALLY DEKU THAT NERD!" he said. With that i just laughed and walked away.
Going back to my team, we had someone else. Tokoyami! "Tokoyami, your the perfect person for our team!!" i said to him. "Thank you, Yn. Coming from you that means a lot." I smiled.
We made our way to start. Midoriya sat on Uraraka's and mine arm and Tokoyami in the front. 
I breathed in, exhaled. Let's do this.
Next chapter is the actual game!!

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