Rescue Training Part 2

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Bakugo, Kirishma, and I were talking. "If the villains are low life, our classmates can take them on" Bakugo said. "So what you're saying is that you believe in our classmates" Kirishma said. We started running to where Mr. Aizawa was at. I was running fast with a little use of my speed quirk. The picture i saw was horrifying. Mr. Aizawa on the floor bleeding to death. This bird brain person grabbed Midoriyas arm. This guys with all the hands about to grab Tsu. I started sprinting as fast as i could. I felt fire on the bottom of my shoe, that's how fast i was running. I took a big leap and heading the way to the monster called Nomu. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THEM!!!" i yelled. With all my might i kicked the monster and punched the one with the hands. I used One for All. I hope they didn't notice. My fist hurted like a bitch. The Nomu got up ready to fight and kill me. I stayed my place, ready for anything that was going to happen. The Nomu started running towards me, i'm still in my place.
All of our attention went to the front door. Smoke everywhere. Then i saw my father All Might walk towards the scene. Everyone was speechless. "HAVE NO FEAR STUDENTS, I AM HERE" My hero said. My father is so bad ass!! "We're saved!!!" i heard Mineta say. Midoriya spoke up, "he's here, All Might" With a blink of an eye All Might took down 10 villains and saved Uncle Aizawa, Midoriya, Tsu, and Mineta. I can tell he wanted me to get out of there also but i was to far for his reach. All Might started fighting the Nomu monster. The Nomu had shock absorber so he can't feel anything. My dad new that all he had to do was wore out the Nomu. He held up the Nomu trying to pin him down on the cement but the purple fog saved Nomu. Nomu was holding up my dad. He was squishing him as hard as he could, the worse of it was that it was squishing his scar on the side of his injury. I couldn't watch and let this happen. I stood up, started up my quirk, ready to fight the Nomu. At the same time I saw Midoriya making his way to my dad as well. I ran as fast as i could to. The purple warp guy was about to get Midoriya, but then Bakugo showed up. "OUT OF MY WAY DEKU!" He pinned the Purple fog warp guy onto the ground, his form was kinda like mine when I pinned Ojiro. Then Ice came and froze the Nomu. I knew it was Todoroki. Todoroki spoke up and said "One of your villains told me that you wanted to kill All Might." Now it's my chance. I started running full cowling, I kicked the Nomu's arm making it squeal in pain because my kick ended up breaking it. All Might then jumped out of the Nomu's hand. Then Kirishma came and tried to attack the villain with many hands but missed. "Damn, that would've been really cool." he said disappointedly. The Bakugo spoke to the purple fog villain, "I got you this time you smokey bastard!!" Todoroki spoke up also, "The symbol of peace will not be defeated by delinquents like you."
The guy with the hands was named Shigaraki spoke up. "Kurogiri (the purple fog) how could you let this brat get you" Then Bakugo said "ha you got careless you dumb villain, it wasn't hard to figure you out. Your smoke what you thought protected you, that's why we missed getting you the first time." Bakugo used his quirk on him. "haha don't move, haha i will blast your ass so bad, they will be piecing you up for weeks." Suddenly the Nomu was rising again. He also was repairing. That shock absorbing wasn't his only quirk. Nomu started making his way to Bakugo trying to free Kurogiri the purple fog villian. Nomu was to fast, Bakugo would've gotten ran overed even if he tried to dodge. You used your fast quirk to grab Bakugo before Nomu knocked him out. As i grabbed Bakugo, my quirk was to fast to stop suddenly so Bakugo and I were like a bowling ball to Kirishma, Midoriya, and Todoroki, knocking them all down. We were still on the floor when Kirishma spoke up "Wow Bakugo how did you dodge that?!!" Bakugo out of breath said, "i didn't, she did" All the boys looked over at me, i was out of breath. Everyone got up. Midoriya helped me up. "That was fast, i didn't even notice you left." Todoroki said to me. "It was nothing" i said still out of breath. "They are outnumbered" Todoroki spoke up again. He was talking about Nomu, Shigaraki, and Kurogiri. Midoriya said, "We already know Kurogiri's weekness." "We can take them down" Kirishma said. "We are not gonna stop until they are defeated." I said. All might then said to us, "Don't, Go back and get out of here" Todoroki said "You would've need our help remember." When Nomu had his hands on Dad. "Thank you for assistance but this is different, it's going to be alright" My dad spoke.
I looked over at Midoriya and we both knew that my dad a little time left.
"Kill him, Nomu and Kurogiri, I'll deal with the children." said Shigaraki.
"Head up, guess we are fighting after all" said Kirishma. Before anyone made a move, All Might and that Nomu thing started punching each other. The punches were so strong that wind was knocking everything down. I lost balance from the strong wind and started to fly away. Todoroki grabbed my arm with his fast instincts and held onto me until i gained balance again. My dad was going more then 100% of his power, HES GOING TO RUN OUT OF TIME!! My dad then quoted "A REAL HERO WILL ALWAYS FIND A WAY FOR JUSTICE TO BE SERVED" He was in the air with the Nomu and dropped him with full strength to the floor. Everyone was speechless. My dad was back on land, he walked up to the Nomu and yelled "PLUS ULTRAAAAA!!!!" he managed to punch the Nomu so hard that it went out of the facility and kept on going to space. Everyone was speechless. I was worried about him ruining out of time. I was worried throughout the whole fight that i would lose my father. UGH this is so stressful.
Now it was just Kurogiri and Shigaraki. But no one was fighting. "Come on we should go, no reason to fight. He's got this. We don't want to be taken hostage or something." Kirishma said to us. Midoriya and I didn't move, we both new that he was running out of time any minute now. I turned over to the guys and said "You, Todoroki, and Bakugo, go take care of the extra villains. Midoriya and I will stay here just in case something happens!!" Then I turned back, Midoriya ran towards my dad and the villains. Without thinking i followed, i had to save my dad. Shigaraki hands was getting closer to Midoriya, I ran and pulled Midoriya back while a gunshot was fired at Shigaraki's hand. The heros arrived. Then Shigaraki kept getting shot so Kurogiri teleported them away. "THEY GOT AWAY!" I said. I was carrying Midoriya because he used his quirk on his legs, his legs were deadbeat. I looked over at my father and saw that he was about to turn into his weak self. Kirishma came running trying to check up on us, gentlemen like always, but he was stopped by the hero Cementas' quirk by creating a Cement wall. "Thank you" i said to the hero. He talked a little to by dad as i was trying to put Midoriya's arm over my shoulder so he can gain some balance. "You saved me again daughter and Young Midoriya."

This chapter took me longer because i had to watch 3 episodes of MHA to get each word for word. Action for Action in 1 chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed. I said this was going to be a Todoroki fan fiction. It still is, just wait!! Please give me some feedback by comments.

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