What Is It?

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My heart dropped when I saw the picture. Best timing that Todoroki and Bakugo came right on time.

I was frozen in my seat.
"YN are you alright?" Mina asked as she saw me not moving.

Bakugo and Todoroki noticed me frozen and walked over to where I was sitting. Everyone surrounded me.

"YN? Are you alright?" Todoroki asked as he grabbed my hand.
I pulled back my hand.
"YN?" Bakugo asked starting to get worried.

I feel all eyes on me.
I got up from my seat and started walking away without making a sound.
Todoroki ran in front of me, "YN?" He asked.
My head was down so Todoroki grabbed my chin so i can look at him in the eye.
My eyes were watering.

His reaction was surprised.
"What happened?" He asked in a caring way.
I looked away from him.
"Did I do something?" He asked.
Mina came up and pushed him away from me. "You did enough." She answered him.
"You should really think about what you did before you come back here and act like nothing is going on" Mina yelled at him.
Todoroki was stunned.
I took off his hoodie that I was wearing and threw it at him.
"I'm going to get some air." I said under my breath and walked out of the dorm.

Todoroki tried to run after me but was grabbed by Bakugo.
"What did you do?!" Bakugo yelled at him as he grabbed his collar.
The boys of the dorm heard a lot of noise so they came out of their rooms to see what is going on.
"Bakugo!!" Kirishima yelled as he ran trying to get Todoroki out of Bakugos grip.
"Hey, where's YN?" Midoriya asked.
"She took off." Mina answered
"Why?" Midoriya asked again.
Mina showed her the picture of her phone.
Midoriya looked at Todoroki with eyes of surprised and ran out of the dorm to find YN.
Kirishima finally got Todoroki out of Bakugos grip. Bakugo went over to Mina and grabbed her phone. "LEMME SEE THAT!" He yelled.
One second of looking at the picture he bolted straight to Todoroki but all the boys from class 1-A had to hold him back.

"Todoroki explain please!" Uraraka said.
"Well what happened was that..."
Everyone went quite to hear what he had to say.
"We entered the last day of our provisional license class. The students from other school came up to me and Bakugo. The girl, Camie, kept giving me compliments. She asked for my number and I said "sure". I don't know why I said that. I regret it very much. But when she gave me her phone at the end of the day, I didn't give her my phone number. She must of posted that picture before I didn't give her my number." Todoroki said explaining the situation.
"Cut the bullshit! You still said "sure", even if you did it or not, your first reaction was agreeing." Bakugo said walking out of the dorm to find YN. "And to think I actually trusted you with her." He finished and slammed the door.
"Not cool man. Even if you didn't give it to her, you forgot about YN in the moment huh?" Kirishima said sadly disappointed in his friend.

Kirishima ran out of the dorm.

Todoroki walked up to Mina. "Mina please. I didn't mean harm to YN." Todoroki said sincerely.
"Todoroki. You need to talk to YN. YN should be the one to decide, we love YN, whatever makes her happy we support her. But I don't know how you'll overcome her protective brothers." Mina said pointing outside.
Everyone started leaving to their rooms leaving Todoroki questioning what he has done.

I walked out of the dorm. I don't want to deal with this right now.
I decided to go to a workout gym and leash my anger out.

I decided to try a punching bag. Once I put the gloves on, I tried to punch the bag but I couldn't even hit it. I tried to punch it but the only strength that came out of that punch was the strength of a baby.

"I'm such a dumbass." I whispered to myself.
"Hey don't say that!" I heard someone yell entering the gym.
It was Midoriya.
"You know you won't get anyone with punches like that." He tried to joke around.
I didn't answer.
Midoriya breathe in, "okay then, punch me." Midoriya said taking off the gloves.
"Midoriya not now." I said.
"Come on YN, let the frustration out." He said.

"OI ! HOW ABOUT TWO VS TWO." I heard Bakugo yell with Kirishima following.
"Guys I'm not feeling-" I was cut off by one of Bakugos explosions going into my face letting me fly to the wall.
I flew to the wall hard.
"BAKUGO!" I yelled trying to get up from the impact.
"Ohhhhh yeah. Two on Two." Kirishima started getting excited.
Midoriya ran over to me. "Haha come on YN, you on my team." Midoriya said.
"Haha alright alright. Come on brother." I said with a smirk.

We spent over an hour fighting each other. Bakugo and I were face to face fighting. He used his explosions on me while I use my combat quirk.
We both backed up knowing we are powering our quirks for an extreme explosion.
We started running faster and faster to each other. Me having one for all and combat quirk powered up and Bakugo saving up a major explosions, we didn't know how this would end up.
Faster and faster we started going. We were one inch away from a punch until my waist was wrapped by a scarf and Bakugo hand was wrapped. We both got thrown to the opposite wall of each other.
I landed on the floor coughing and grunting after the impact.
I looked up and saw my Uncle with his hair flowing up.
Midoriya, Kirishima, Bakugo, and I started laughing.
"We were just playing around." I said laughing.
"Clean this up, you guys got class tomorrow morning." He said annoyed walking away

After cleaning up the destroyed gym. We started walking back to the dorms.
We were all bruised up.
"Thank you guys for this." I said sincerely.
"It's the least we can do." Midoriya said.
"If that icy hot tries to-" Bakugo was saying until I interrupted.
"It's okay Bakugo. Let's see what's going to happen tomorrow cause right now, I don't want to think of drama." I said laughing.

We entered the dorms and there he was.
"YN can I talk to you......alone."

Give me ideas on how YN should react!!!

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