Homecoming (SaiDa)

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Happiest birthday, our darling Sana 💜


Good day, our beloved schoolmate. We hope that you are doing fine and successful. We would like to inform you that you are invited to attend the following event stated:

Hanyoung High School

"It is enchanting to meet you once again"

Batch 20xx-20xx 10th year Reunion

19th of May 20xx


Conrad Seoul, Seoul

Please contact Ms. Nayeon Im at +82xxxxxxxx or via email at to confirm your attendance.

Best regards and we hope to see you there!

Sana was busy reading a magazine when she got the notification from her phone. Her eyes were wide open and she gasped while slowly scrolling. She literally stopped breathing for a while when she read about it and knew what it is about. She is currently resting from a shoot, tired of everything as today was really a busy day for her because she is working on one of her biggest projects this year, but she thinks it will not be the biggest event that happened to her this year anymore because of that notification alone.

She doesn't exactly know what to do, her mind is flying endlessly and the noise in her background just keeps on destructing her that makes it hard for her to think straight. She was contemplating on whether or not she will attend, already weighing the pros and cons of attending and not attending because first, it is a high school reunion, second it is their reunion in years, third, she doesn't keep in touch with her close friends anymore, fourth, she doesn't know if the things will be the same, and fifth (that she thinks is really just an excuse for her just so it's a majority) is because she is busy and have a lot of things to check in her office.

She sighed and closed her eyes for a while. She needs to focus on the current project she is working on first before thinking about that damn reunion again.


Dahyun was startled when her phone vibrated from her pocket while she is eating her lunch at her own office. She doesn't bother to go outside anymore and eat with her colleagues because she knows it will just take some of her extra time when she can use it to do the things piling up in her own table. She honestly cannot believe that there will be a reunion happening, not just because she doesn't want to have or attend one, but because it literally made her world stop for a while.

As she read through the notification, it gives a tug in her heart because of every possibility she is currently thinking of. However, it all just points to one thing, or rather, one person, one girl that she cannot stop thinking about since high school. No matter how busy she is, no matter how many papers she needs to sign and how many proposals she needs to read and critic thoroughly, it does not change the fact that the notification will let her sleep late at night or will not let her sleep at all. She doesn't have any time to contemplate whether or not to attend because she will definitely do so, the real question is that if she is still willing to continue her interrupted plan 10 years ago.

She took a deep breath and started cleaning her things. She decided to stuff her mind with office works first before proceeding with the unusual tug in her heart again.


The day of the reunion arrived immediately and Dahyun didn't know why she is so damn nervous to hell when she is just going to attend an event with her former classmates and maybe get to know each other again after not seeing one another for 10 years already.

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