Morning Coffee (MiChaeng)

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Observing that there are no office workers nor helpers around yet, she carefully opened the Executive Director's office and placed the hot coffee in her table, cautiously putting it away from the sticky notes and documents she will certainly check once she arrives.

When she successfully finished her mission, she tiptoed and exited the office right away before going to her own cubicle, took a deep breath, and decided to have a nap before the office hours officially starts.

It's actually the first time that she did that and she doesn't exactly know the reason behind, but it literally did not make her sleep last night because she was thinking so hard whether or not she will do it every day, or every other day, or weekly until her birthday comes, or just not do it at all. She also doesn't know why did she came up with that idea when she can just simply say her thanks and call it a day.

However, if she thinks about it deeply and rationally, she clearly isn't committing any crime or something, doesn't even doing anything wrong, so why is she nervous in the first place, when she just gave her some coffee to start her day? She just shrugged her thoughts and continued working.

On the next day, she also brought the same coffee and made the same tactic, so no one will notice that she have been in her senior's office before office hours. A helper almost caught her when he surprisingly opened the door and the light to check something, fortunately, her height is not that tall, she immediately got to hide under the table. She then instantly made her way out when the helper went outside to clean the hallway.

Every single night, she keeps on imaging the Executive Director's reaction when she found out that there's already a coffee waiting for her at her table. She eventually just continued with her plan on giving it every day, since it seems like she doesn't care who put it there at all nor she doesn't notice any unusual change of her mood.

It's just a relief that everything seems pretty normal at the office ever since she started that idea and slowly make it into reality.

When she came to the office 5 minutes later than her usual arrival (but still way before the office hours officially starts) and exactly just 2 minutes before the executive director arrives, she decided to check her reaction through the blinds so she sits beside her friend (and also her co-worker), acting like she's discussing about the current project they are working on, when she's just waiting for their senior to arrive.

She stood up once the senior arrives and the first thing she did after she put her things down in her swivel chair is to drink the coffee she brought and smiled. It definitely made her smile as well when she went back to her cubicle and started working. She swears it will be a lovely day.

As days pass by, she thinks of some unique and adorable ways to make the cup of coffee, she delivers special in such a simple way.

She thinks of putting some cute animal stickers at first which she checked helped her senior smiled more unlike her initial facial expression during random morning roll calls where she has a frown on her face and definitely in a bad mood because of too much stress in their department. She also tried putting some sticky notes, just like those cliché ones seen in dramas.

"Good luck for today! I believe in you, you can do it~"

The executive director reads while holding the cup of coffee in her right hand and the sticky note on the other. She doesn't know, but it gives her an unusual feeling in her stomach despite the coffee being her favorite and having just the exact measurement of ingredients.

When she notices that her senior goes home with a disappointing face and sensing that she have regrets after presenting their team's proposal to the higher authorities, she also leaves some encouraging messages and cheering her up because she thinks she needs it the most.

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