18 (ChaeYu)

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A special gift for our maknae, Tzuyu.

Originally posted last 14th of June 2020 on AO3


"Curiosity killed a cat, satisfaction brought it back." 

What do people usually is curious about? Their kind of lifestyle? What did they eat for dinner? What's their favorite color? What's the correct answer in a test? Why did they do such things? What made them decide about a certain something? Maybe some people are really born curious and Tzuyu is one of them. 

She's curious with various things around her. She's curious about the stray dogs in their neighborhood, the grandfather 3 blocks away from her home, the bully kid in her primary school, the arts set her classmate has, the skies and the clouds, the different nationalities all around the world. She's curious as to why her mom is always the one who cooks breakfast for them while her dad cooks for dinner, why her brother is so noisy while playing games, why her own dog sometimes just stares at their ceiling, why does she feel cold sometimes even if it's summer time, why sometimes she thinks too much even just about the little things about her. However, the more she grows up and grows old, she slowly realizes about the answers for her curiousity. Yet, there is one left, and she really doesn't know how to answer that one.

"What are you thinking about?"

Chaeyoung, her only friend, and recognize her as her own best friend, asked her when they were just at her bedroom, doing nothing.


"You're spacing out again, Tzutzu"

Her friend laughed at her. She always laughs at her whenever she goes like that. Maybe she's starting to get used to Tzuyu's antics of suddenly spacing out, then asking Chaeyoung what just happened.

"Ah, no no. I kinda want to ask something though"

Now Chaeyoung became silent. This is actually the first time that she heard her friend bravely wants to ask her something and actually talk about her thoughts out loud not like any other normal days where she just stay quiet and let it pass.

"I'm listening, Tzuyu"

Tzuyu sighed first, having second thoughts if she will let out her shallow question, but since they are on the topic now, she just let it out.

"Do you know what it feels to be in love?"

A few seconds silence before Chaeyoung bursts out laughing again and Tzuyu is so clueless with what's happening to her friend. She was about to back out and just say that it's nothing serious, but the other is trying so hard to stop laughing so that she can explain things to her friend.


She started, still so giggly while patting Tzuyu's shoulder.

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