birthday runaway (MiHyo)

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Mina thinks of something she can make as an excuse because she is just literally tired and exhausted from everything. She felt like giving up her paper works and office job already if not for someone who always reminds her that she needs to work hard so she can provide for her needs, even wants, that she truly agree on. She just needs a breather, even a one week break from everything is okay with her as long as her mind and soul will be free from stress and pressure, the amount of toxicity and negativity she inhale every single day is just too much for her own good. She sighed, poked herself, before staring at her desk calendar that shows the month of January that is already full-packed.

She then flipped the page and the first thing that welcomed her to her full-packed (again; there's no changes anyway) February schedule is the big circle on the 1st day of it with the color yellow highlight that says MY HYO'S BIRTHDAY. All her worries were gone right away when she saw that, that also instantly gave her an idea of what kind of breather she needs for her (actually for the both of them, as well) to feel relaxed and calm down. She started jotting some notes that come to her mind before she finally have a solid plan to do for that day and for that whole week, as well. Right there and then, she immediately decided to file a leave just for her one and only best friend.

The day of the surprise arrived immediately and Mina drove her best friend to their destination. The whole ride was chaos because that entire trip was not completely planned as Mina told her that she should leave her work for one whole week, not giving her any warning or heads up what is that for, and to think that she has one of the highest positions in her company that cannot just file a leave just because she wants to, Mina still convinced her with her (1) gummy smile, (2) child-y pout, and (3) her aegyo. When Mina does the latter, she always wins and that's what she's always thankful for.

Mina's playlist full of Japanese rock bands is currently playing as she drives and banging her head to the rhythm. Jihyo just cannot help but chuckle and sometimes scold her because instead of focusing her complete attention to the road, she keeps on banging her head and dancing to the beat. The birthday girl was confused, of course, because the fact that Mina doesn't say anything, even just a little clue to her to where they were going, what they will do, and why do they took a one-week break is already enough for her to feel suspicious with the girl. Nevertheless, she's been best friends with her since they were toddlers so there's absolutely no way she cannot trust her at this point.

The whole journey with their chaotic sides is pretty normal for them, to be honest, because whenever the two of them is currently breathing in the same place, they cannot help but tease each other with plainly anything and that goes on for almost 3 decades already. They are just used to cackling at each other's naughtiness but arguably being sweet and soft when one of them is sick or feeling lonely. Their dynamics are pretty simple because deep down they know that they are soft for each other and they cannot live with one another that made the both of them a promise to themselves that they cannot be separated no matter what.

When they finally arrived at their destination and Mina opened the car's door for Jihyo, the latter was in awe and her surprised face was priceless that made Mina so relieved because she only hopes for the best for the girl. The sea breeze welcomed them both as they face the vast sea in front of them. It is the kind of tranquility and peace Mina is finding for a while now and she is glad that she guesses Jihyo need it, too. They were speechless for a while before they giggle at each other because they both just had a realization that it has been so long since they have been there. As far as they know, the last time they went there was when they were 9 and now that they were both will almost turn 29 in the next few days for Jihyo and in the next few weeks for Mina, they cannot help but gasp because they indeed grew up and grew old beside each other.

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