for me, it's you (MiNayeon)

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Happy birthday to our bunny Nayeon.

Originally posted 22nd of September 2020 on AO3.


Nayeon and Mina are best friends. 

They have known each other since they were in diapers. Like those best friends who grew up with each other, they have known and saw each other's soul, misery, happiness, and different situations in life up until they become adults. They already have seen each other in their ups and downs, in their happy and sad state, and has always been there to comfort each other, to stay and make them realize that they will be in each other's shit for their whole life.

That's how wonderful their friendship is.

Whenever one of them feels upset or tired or irritated or hurt or happy or sad or excited or disappointed, the other one is always to the rescue, always there to make the other feel that she's not the only one, that they have each other through thick and thin. They have experienced many things together already from failing and passing exams, sharing foods during recess, walking each other home, doing school activities in their bedrooms to blind dates, binge-watching movies, travelling outside their town, window shopping, realizing things about their life, and so much more and everyone can say that they are indeed close, that they have that bond only them can have, that they have that connection that only them can know.

Since they are neighbors, it is just normal for them to have sleepovers ever since they were young. Their parents and siblings are also close and they always go to school every day, attend each other's birthday parties, and any other life events they enjoy celebrating. They grew from the fact that they are used to having each other by their side because they always feel safe when they are around.

Mina often times fall asleep in Nayeon's lap. That habit started when they entered 10th year as friends and neighbors, since Mina was very comfortable with her best friend and she thinks that it is just okay for her to just suddenly lie down while they are watching some TV or talking about mundane things in Nayeon's bedroom. She thinks that it is okay for her best friend to be there, almost not moving because she doesn't want the sleeping angel to be disturbed in her peaceful sleep. In those times, Nayeon holds Mina close and certainly, doesn't move from her spot for hours.

While Mina is just sleeping there, so close to her, her admiration for the girl never left. She always finds Mina so gorgeous, so elegant even when she's just doing the bare minimum, even if she's just casually murmuring something in her sleep, when she unconsciously tangles her arms that results in her body ache when she wakes up. Nayeon cannot help but just observe the girl while she is just there, looking like an angel sent from above, looking oh, so breathtakingly beautiful, even with eyes closed. Those times were just gentle moments Nayeon will not forget Mina since they were kids.

"Are you sleeping again?"

"Why not?"

Mina prepared herself and right away lie down in Nayeon's thighs as if it is her own bed and closed her eyes. She is sleeping for the nth time that day because they already finished their homework and some extra activities given by their piano instructor.

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