hold me tight (DahMo)

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happiest birthday, our Momoring!! <3


Screaming with excitement and cannot wait for the clock to strike 12 so they can all jump all at once and celebrate another year ahead of them. There were 9 people staying in the balcony, but there are two persons being awkward at each other because they are the only ones who does not know each other yet.

"What if we just merge and make this as our official circle of friends?"

Nayeon, the oldest of all of them, suggested with a big smile on her face.

"Yeah. I agree. Since all of us know each other already and we're in the same university, so why not, right?"

Sana, the congenial of all of them, approved of the idea with a bright smile.

"Does anyone agree with the idea?"

Jihyo, the acting leader and the Mom-like of the group, asked all of them while raising her hand. Dahyun and Momo avoid their glances to the girl that made Jihyo connect the dots.

"Seems like everyone agrees with that idea, except for Dubu and Momoring. Why don't you introduce yourselves to each other?"

"Eh? Is this the first time they met? Ever?"

Mina, the sweet and thoughtful one, asked with amusement while exchanging her glances to Dahyun and Momo which made the both of them nod.

Chaeyoung, the free-spirited and artistic among all of them, then both hold Dahyun and Momo's hands and made them do a handshake.

"Okay. You already know each other's names by now, right? Are you now comfortable with our group?"

"Y-yeah, I guess. It's nice to meet you, Momo"

"Nice to meet you too, Dahyunie"

They shook their hands awkwardly and avoid glances right away when their eyes met for a millisecond. Jihyo then clapped her hands and get her the empty wine glass.

"Alright. Since we already knew each other. And there is still less than an hour to waste before the new year starts, shall we play?"

She signaled them and show the glass in her hand, as if to say they already what game they should play.


The first question was directed to Chaeyoung as the bottle pointed in her direction. Everyone knows what to ask her already so the girl just chose dare instead.

"Okay, hold hands with your crush for the rest of the night"

Jeongyeon suggested with a silly face that made Chaeyoung glare at her, but the former knows that Chaeyoung will like it anyway.

Chaeyoung then made her way beside Mina and asked her shyly.

"Can I hold your hand for the rest of my life, Mina?"


"I... I mean, for the rest of the night"

Mina then just holds Chaeyoung's hand and chuckled at her. After a few squeaks, the game continued that basically just made them reveal who is the crush of who until the bottle pointed at Momo and the nervousness is already obvious in her face.

"Truth or dare"



"Okay. Dare"

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