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His lips were on hers.

Davey had replied to her with a stern no, but after picking up on her disappointment, changed his answer to 'not yet'. 'Not yet' stretched into a very long time but eventually, after an hour or so, she was able to get him into his feet and dancing around the sofa to a song by a Witch named Delilah Merryweather. He didn't know the words, not at all, but it was funny all the same.

His lips were moving and mushing against her own. Was this it?...What next?

Then, after Delilah's four minutes of upbeat joy, someone switched the record and a slower song began to play. For quite a few of the students from other houses, this meant it was time to sneak back to their own common rooms, but there was still a gentle crowd. June departed as one of these with a quick starry-eyed smile and wave in Alice's direction. Davey made no move to leave, which made Alice very happy. She was a little concerned, however, of his current state of mind. The boy had helped himself to the punch that had been set out, the one that Peter had tried and failed to clean, and so now was teetering on tipsy.

Was she supposed to close her eyes? Why was it so wet? It was sort of... gross.

They chatted and laughed together, and swayed along to the music too. Davey even twirled her around at one point, which made her giddy with butterflies. It felt just like one of the romance movies she'd watched with her mum over the summer. And then suddenly, with no warning, he kissed her. Just like that, Alice had had her first kiss.

It wasn't particularly pleasant; was she allowed to think that?

She liked Davey sure, but there were no fireworks nor rollercoasters, not like she'd read there were supposed to be. The whole thing felt a little bit disappointing, like hearing part of a song that sounds good but the whole thing ends up being bad. It was a strange sensation, and the whole time she could taste vodka on his lips.

He eventually pulled away and leant back, a dazed smirk plastered on his face. He looked happy, she tried to mimic that look. "So..."


"Was that okay? For you?"

"Yes." Perhaps she answered too quickly. His eyebrow twitched. "That was my...it was my first kiss is all. Sorry I-"

"Don't be sorry! It was great."

"Oh, okay then." A spark of relief ignited; she must have done something right if he seemed so pleased. Maybe it took a few times for it to be fun, that was probably it. "Are you-"

"Everybody freeze!"

Alice whipped around at the sudden shout. Her first instinct was something was wrong; McGonagall was coming, they'd been caught, she'd get into trouble. But then her eyes fell on the sweet smile of Sirius Black and she breathed a small sigh of relief. He was stood on the table- empty bowls and cups had been kicked to the side- grinning like a lunatic and waving a small parcel in the air.

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