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The next few days flew by in a blur of laughter and excitement and mischief

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The next few days flew by in a blur of laughter and excitement and mischief. Mia and Monty were the most amazing hosts; there was a never ending stream of kind words and sweet treats and they were more than happy for the three teenagers to get up to whatever they wanted, as long as they informed them first. The world was still at war, after all.

Fortunately Christmas was a distraction, and it almost seemed like the Dark Wizard attacks had decreased. Alice wasn't sure, you never could be, but there hadn't been a report in the Prophet for five days now. James's parents were definitely suspicious, you could hear them whispering. Monty wanted to believe they were suffering after a recent successful Ministry mission that led to several arrests, Mia on the other hand was sure they were planning something bigger, something badder. They didn't like to include the teenagers in their debates, however.

On the 22nd of December, the trio ventured into a local town. James and Sirius wanted to have 'muggle fun', as they so patronisingly called it, and Alice had promised James they'd go to the cinema together. Sirius being there too wasn't exactly what she'd had in mind, but of course it was still fun.

They went to see the new King Kong film, which was interesting to say the least. It was very good, however completely bizarre; Sirius kept laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of it, so much so one of the cinema workers came and told him to be quiet or leave. Sirius being Sirius made a big fuss of it all before literally being escorted out because he was too loud. Alice and James decided it probably wasn't best to leave him outside by himself, so followed after. James was actually rather disappointed he didn't get to see the end.

"The cinemon is amazing."


"Why don't Wizards have these! I'd go every single day!" He didn't stop gushing about how cool it was until they made it to the ice rink and that became the next coolest thing.

Sirius was a natural at ice skating, it was unnerving. He said he'd only done it once before when he was very little, yet was a million times better than Alice who went every Christmas holiday with her mum. He lapped the other two numerous time, all the while narrowly dodging the little kids struggling to stay on their feet. At one point he sent one flying across the ice because he tried to do a jump. It was quite funny to watch.

James, on the other hand, was not quite so good. He'd never done it before, thought the idea of it brilliant, but could not go in a straight line for the life of him. In fact for half an hour he couldn't even let go of the wall. He eventually just went for it when Sirius teased him for not being brave enough, which resulted in a plentiful of falls. The trio of mums sat at the side watching their children thought it hilarious, and kept bursting into high pitched laughter each time he wobbled. Sirius kept flashing them flirtatious smiles which they ate up completely.

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