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It was a young man named Kingsley Shacklebolt who met James, Sirius and Alice at Kings Cross Station

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It was a young man named Kingsley Shacklebolt who met James, Sirius and Alice at Kings Cross Station. He was dressed in robes of a dark purple, all with golden lining, the type that would not at all be subtle in a muggle world. It was here Alice realised they would not be venturing through muggle London to get there, not that she was really expecting to anyway. James came from a family of pure bloods, of course they weren't hopping on and off tube trains.

However, even James looked a little confused.

"Kingsley? What are you doing here?" He asked, eyebrows furrowing. "Is everything alright? Are my parents okay?"

Kingsley nodded in a way Alice thought looked rather like an old man. "They're fine. This is just a safety precaution. Have you all got your things?"

All three nodded.

"Then follow me."

Even Sirius, usually the first to make some sort of witty comment, stayed silent, eyeing Kingsley curiously. Apparently it was just Alice who didn't know who he was.

"James," she whispered as they walked behind the man, "who is he?"

"He's a ministry official," James whispered back, "one of the new Aurors, but one of the best they've got. He's a family friend... not sure why he's here though. Mum said she was coming to pick us up."

Alice watched as Sirius picked up his pace so that he was matching Kingsley's fast stride and was walking along side him. The boy quickly started pestering him with all sorts of questions. Kingsley didn't answer a single one, but there was a small smirk growing on the corner of his lips, she could tell.

Once the group were out of the station, and had turned down a creepy corner to an empty alleyway, Kingsley held out his hand for them all to stop.

"Edgar should be here," he muttered to himself, "he's late."

"Edgar Bones?" Sirius asked, familiarity sweeping past his eyes.

Kingsley looked up and stared hard at the Black boy. "Do you know him?"

"No. I've just heard his name before. Dunno what he's done but my parents despise him."

Then, shocking them all, Kingsley laughed. It was a deep, rumbling laugh that fitted his voice perfectly, and yet somehow you couldn't have guessed it without hearing it first. "Figures."

Alice blinked. "Why? What's he done?"

There was a loud crack that cut Kingsley off before he could even begin to reply, one right beside Alice that made her yelp slightly and almost tumble sideways into James. He put his hand against her arm to steady her.

"Kingsley! Ah, you're here!" The man that had appeared suddenly was a lot more jolly than Kingsley, and yet perhaps double his age.

"You're late." Kingsley replied solemnly.

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