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Wednesday 20th October

Dearest Alice, 
I am still completely and utterly bored without you, which you're very definitely sick of hearing from your dear old mamma so I'll do my best to stop. I went round to see all the neighbours yesterday and check up on everyone - all is well here, nothing much to report (other than Beth gloating all about her sixth form college and how fancy it is... I'd like to see her make things float). Anyway, at work we... 

Saturday 23rd October

Dearest Alice,

Look at you and your quick replies! I don't know how owls work, but poor Merlin must be exhausted. I'm also not exactly sure what owls eat so I got him some bird food from the pet store in town, I hope that's okay? If not, please tell me because these things don't come with a manual, they really should.
Your Halloween party sounds great! I wish I could come but unfortunately I'm too old for those sort of things now :( I suppose I don't attend your posho school for magic folk either, but if I were young I'm sure it would be an issue we could solve HAHA....
Some new guy arrived at work yesterday. Don't tell anyone I told you, but he isn't half dishy (don't tell me I'm embarrassing, you'd think the same if he were sixteen) ;)
He wears oddly patterned ties that clash terribly with his jumpers, but he's a sweetheart...

Tuesday 26th October

Dearest Alice,

I don't think you'll be receiving this for a while because Merlin's tucked himself into some sort of ball on your bed and won't let me wake him up without squawking like a siren - I think we tired him out a bit, but never mind. Super proud of you!! Amazing job on your Astronomy test, though I didn't doubt for one second that you'd do anything worse than the best! I hope when Merlin finally wakes he'll carry the sweets I got you too, they should come with the letter if he's up for the job...
So this new guy, Edmund from work, he's been awfully chatty recently. I thought he was just being friendly, but Samantha at reception reckons he's been flirting. Flirting!? With me!? No one's flirted with me for years now!...

Friday 29th October

Dearest Alice,

Merlin's decided he's ready to fly back up to Scotland now - I do feel a little bad, are you sure it wouldn't just be easier to send these letters in the post?
Anyway, I decided to add this quickly into the other envelope because I've got some crazy news: Edmund from work asked me out! On a proper date! He's got this fancy car and said he'd take me to this snazzy bar where they serve colourful cocktails and the waiters sing to you if you ask them. I said yes, thought I'd let you know.
I've never really dated anyone since your dad and I'm worried this may seem a little odd for you, so I just wanted you to know if you feel uncomfortable, or ever want to talk to me about it, please do because I am here for you. You are my first and my biggest priority always.

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