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Dearest darling Alice,

Well done on your exams! I'm extremely proud of you! Astronomy does seem fun, though I have to tell you it sounds incredibly confusing. Still, better than maths!
Not much is happening here unfortunately, there's little to report as always. Work is boring, home is lonely. I am missing you greatly, and I can't wait to see you again- only a week now!
I promised the neighbours a summer barbecue (I know, I'm sorry, but I've already been putting it off since Easter), so be sure to prepare yourself for that (I'm sure Beth is excited to tell you all about her prom).
Speaking of, are you excited for yours? You didn't mention it in your last letter so I hope it's all still going ahead, it's good for you to have some fun sometimes. Hopefully if Merlin delivers this on time, it'll be happening tonight. Try to take a photo somehow! One of those jazzy moving ones! Wish I could be there to see you all dressed up!
Anyway, sorry this is short but I have to go help Kimberly with the triplets (she's got a job interview).
Write me back and tell me how the dance goes! Missing you loads,
Mamma xxx

Alice smiled down at the letter, cheeks burning at the funny illustration her mum had drawn at the bottom of the page. It was an odd sort of stick man Alice on a broomstick. Underneath was her mum at a barbecue, and actually on the barbecue itself was their neighbour Beth. A little morbid perhaps, but funny all the same.

The girl always tried to write to her mum as much as possible, but it had been difficult finding time the past few weeks. Now that exams were finally over, she had all the time in the world.

Merlin squawked, and nestled up against her finger. She took out one of the treats she'd bought up to the owlery with her, and fed it to him. He gave another loud hoot then hopped away to the window ledge and took off back into the sky. Where he went, Alice wasn't sure, but he was always conveniently around when she needed him to be.

She folded the parchment into her skirt pocket and began making her way back down to the castle. It was currently nine o'clock meaning the school was quiet. Half the students were still in bed, it being a Saturday and all, and those who weren't were, for the most part, all in their common rooms. Alice passed one or two people as she skipped down the stairs, but otherwise it was quiet.

The summer morning had arrived fresh and warm, an endless, uninterrupted blue sky blanketing the school. The surrounding grassy areas were a vibrant emerald, glistening ever so slightly due to the early morning dewiness. Along with the shining lake, it all made for a very picturesque sight. Alice didn't know how else you could describe it other than to say it radiated happiness.

"You're late." Mary MacDonald was waiting for her impatiently at the doors to the Hall, arms crossed and foot tapping.

"Sorry, I -"

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