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"It's quite a big scar."

"I know," Alice nodded along to Mary, "but it's already healing."

"Yeah, but it's like a huge scar." Mary repeated as she jumped onto her bed. It creaked loudly as she bounced up and down.

"I can see that." The blonde chuckled softly. Mary was becoming increasingly obsessed with the idea of boys, though this week's fascination seemed to be for different reasons than usual. Alice wasn't even sure what she was trying to get at, but the girl was awfully curious about Davey.

"And you still like him? Even with the-" She paused as she motioned violently at her own face, demonstrating the wound.

Lily gasped. "Mary! You can't say that! Leave Alice alone."

"What? I'm just curious." Mary shrugged, then a devious smirk fell into place and she turned over to face Lily. "He's no where near as handsome as before, though I suppose scars are hot. Right Lils?"

Lily's cheek's flamed a bright red and she chucked a pillow over to her friend. "That was two years ago. I was thirteen."

Marlene groaned as she walked out from the bathroom and towards her own bed. "Please lets not repeat the Remus phase. I don't think I can handle it a second time."

"The Remus phase?" Alice raised an eyebrow across the room. She was just glad to no longer be the subject of Mary's enquiries.

"It was stupid, it doesn't matter." Lily said.

"No don't say that, it was cute." Mary cooed, though her smirk remained.

Marlene scoffed as she settled down. "It was not cute. It was all you spoke about for an entire month."

Lily shook her head and looked apologetically to Alice, "He helped me with some homework is all."

"And you developed a teeny weeny crush." Mary said.

"Wouldn't call it teeny weeny," Marlene deadpanned, "even Snape was livid."

Lily's embarrassed smile fell at the mention of her Slytherin friend and an uncomfortable silence graced the room. Alice wasn't particularly fond of Severus, but both Marlene and Mary hated him. Hate was a strong word, but it was an understatement when describing their feelings towards him. Marlene once punched the boy.

Alice cleared her throat and blew out the candle beside her bed. "Well, goodnight guys."

A soft 'night' was called back to her from various beds, and after that they all drifted off to sleep. She could tell by Marlene's familiar snores.

Alice had skipped Monday's library visit with James again, but unfortunately she couldn't do the same with Quidditch. Rob told her himself he knew her 'girl problems' would be over by now, so she had absolutely no excuses to skip. Alice eventually gave up with trying to think of something new and went along as normal. Except it didn't feel normal.

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