Chapter 1

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Time passes by, He struggled against the Dark variant of himself. Refusing to accept his words. He struggled and struggled, his opposites laughed at him, telling him that he will fail. He will soon fall to the darkness that seeks to end all of Steve's life. Refusing, he kept trying to gain control of his physical body, he didn't know how long he had been gone, nor did he know what his dark variant had done in possession of his body. All he knew, from the small glimpse of freedom he had, he had almost slain a defenceless Yellow Steve. Before he could remotely do anything, he was forced back into the darkness that the dark variant tried to trap him. After so long, he was set free.


Yellow Steve, who wore a leather chestplate went to the ruins of the old Rainbow hub. There he sees a familiar form, laying on the ground unconscious, a dark sword near his form. Being cautious, he goes to the person, only to gasp in shock. He quickly returns to the town, tells the Violet Leader and goes back to the ruined rainbow hub and shows the leader the unknown person unconscious form. Knowing that they will have to arrest him for the crimes he committed to all Steves. They wake up.

What they didn't expect was for him to not wear his blindfold anymore. ".... Sabre?" Yellow Steve carefully asked.

Sabre immediately backed away with no hints of familiarity in his eyes. He didn't recognize the Steves before him. This set the Violet Leader off. Something wasn't right. "Sabre... Do you remember us?" He carefully asked him, getting closer to the human. The said human kept backing away scared.

"Who are you people!!?!"

Yellow Steve and Violet Leader came to a conclusion, Sabre had lost all of his memories.

Violet Leader and Yellow steve looked at each other, conflicted and unsure. They looked at Sabre again, who backed up against the wall, terrified. "Yellow Steve, is he really amnesiac?" Violet Leader whispered to Yellow Steve, who shrugged, unsure. "I'm not sure, one way to find out is if he remembers... Orange Steve..." He quietly answered, Violet a leader frowns, unsure how to handle this sudden predicament.

'Is he really the very same Sabre that tried so hard to save us, yet also the very same that tried to destroy us?' Violet Leader thought to himself. He looks at Sabre and kneels in front of him, being careful not to startle him. "Sabre?" He carefully asked. "H-how do y-you know my name?" Sabre asked with a slightly squeaky voice. "Don't worry about it too much. Um, I just want to know something..." Violet leader trailed off.

Now that Violet leader took a good look at him, he realized Sabre is wearing a chicken indie instead of the space suit. "W-what d-do you w-want to know?" Sabre quietly asked. "I just wanted to know... Do you know Orange Steve?" He asked cautiously.

Sabre blinked. Utterly confused. "What's Orange Steve?"

Violet Leader and Yellow Steve went really quiet. They weren't expecting that to be Sabre's answer. In fact, they weren't sure what to do with an amnesiac Sabre. It was too unfamiliar and... Suspicious.

"We should probably take Sabre back to the Town and get someone to properly check Sabre to make sure he really is Amnesiac." Yellow Steve suggested, Violet leader nodded. "Indeed, we should." Violet Leader agreed, then looked at Sabre. "Alright Sabre, we're gonna- where did he go?" Violet Leader asked with a panicked tone.

Sabre was in fact gone.


Sabre was lost, he had to get away from the two Steve. Even though he feels as though he can trust them, something else tells him he shouldn't, as if as though, they would immediately betray him for something he either didn't do or know. He sighed, unsure what to do. Until he accidentally walked into someone, falling backwards. "Ow..." Sabre quietly muttered. He saw a hand and took it, getting back up. "Thanks...?" Sabre trailed off, looking at the unknown person.

"No need to thank me. Now tell me, who are you and what are doing here?" They asked, Sabre blinked. "I'm Sabre, and uhh, I actually don't know what I'm doing here, there were two Steves? I think? They look like they know me." Sabre told the unknown person, who hums in thoughts.

"Two Steves huh? Was one a violet colored Steve and the other a yellow Steve with a leather chestplate?" He asked, Sabre nodded. "Well then, don't trust them. They're a threat." They tell Sabre. "They are?" Sabre asked, they nodded."They once had a hero, but due to their foolish action. That hero is now gone." They tell him, Sabre looks sad. ", sir? What's your name?" Sabre then asked.

"My name? Of course, where's my manners, my name is..." They smiled darkly.

"...Rainbow Void."

"Nice to meet you Rainbow Void!" Sabre said with a hint of excitement, Rainbow Void smirks. He knew Sabre was originally innocent, untainted by the negativity, just seeing Sabre being pure once more, just gave him a brilliant thought. One, where he can use Sabre and keep him away from the hands of the other Steves. For now, he must make sure Sabre doesn't regain his memories and use him to his advantage.

"Sabre, would you like to come with me?" Rainbow Void asked, Sabre looked at him in confusion. "Are you sure?" He asked, Rainbow Void nodded. "Yes, I don't want the other steve to take you. After all, I overheard that they would kill you, the moment they captured you." He tells him, Sabre held terrified expressions. Death is something he feared. Not as much as being betrayed.

They both faintly heard someone shout the Sabre name. Being scared, Sabre whimpers, just as Yellow Steve and Violet leader found them, they saw Sabre scared expression and glared at Rainbow Void. "What did you do to sabre!" Violet Leader shouted in anger, getting Sabre to whimper even more. Rainbow Void just chuckled. "I did nothing, but told him the mere truth. Now you excuse me, I do believe it's time to go." He then said, as he grabbed Sabre and vanished with Lightning hitting the ground a few times.

"Sabre!" Violet leader and Yellow Steve shouted, but it was already too late. Rainbow Void had already taken Sabre.

"...Think we screwed up?" Yellow Steve asked. "I'm not sure how screwed up, in fact, I'm not even sure Sabre would ever trust anymore, even if he was Amnesiac or not. We sorta Betrayed him after he turned on us.'' The Violet Leader answered with a Solemn tone. He can't help, but shiver at the horrible feeling he has, nor the sudden cold he felt.

Yeah they both definitely screwed up alright and they don't even know how badly they did, nor the consequences of doing so. 

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