Chapter 7

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Shadow Steve sighed as he look a himself in the mirror, he wore a grey cotton silk tunic, white bandaged on the arm to keep it in place, as well as black gloves, black trousers, silver black combat boots, followed by a comfortable silky light grey cloak. 

His hair was still the same mess it always was, but more of a ashen grey that the raven black it was, oh and there's a streak of yellow and a streak of orange. 

It was a painful reminder of his past really. 

He was sure, when the world no longer needed Darkness, he would be no more. Just, a memory within everyone. 

With a solemn sighed, he grabbed his belt that hold his sheath sword, wrapped it around his waist and leave the abandoned house that Sabre and Rainbow- Orange Steve once reside it. There, he is met with Gerald, waiting outside for him. "You ready?" He asked, Shadow Steve nodded. "As ready as I can be really." He answered, Gerald nodded as they both was struck by teleportation lightning. 

Once the light receded, there, they are found in a forest. 

However, they began to hear the sound of someone arguing with someone, confused and curious, the duo goes to the sound, only to be greeted with a amusing sight. 


"-A tree?-" Light interrupted, which was than ignored. 

"-A STEVE DAMN SWORD DOWN YOUR THROAT- Wait- a tree?" Violet suddenly questioned, looking at Light. Jeremy too, was confused. 

Where did a tree come from?

"As entertaining as it is to hear that Violet Leader can, in fact, be a violent person, I would like to cut this short and asked, what are you three doing?" 

The Three steve looks at a amuse Shadow Steve and a Stern looking Gerald. 

"What in Steves name-" 


Soul Steve gave a annoyed sighed as he receive reports of no sighting on Sabre. He must really find him, otherwise the others would have found a way to bring back his memories. With it, a way to defeat Rainbow Void and the others. He, himself, did not like that. 

Not One Bit. 

He would also need to increased Securities in the whole fortress and assigned guards to ensure that Sabre wouldn't escape again the next time they have him in there possession. 

Perhaps, they could get more information about who he really is and what his past was really. 

Hm, so much possibility hm? 


One thing that confuses him however, is, Why did he seem as though he knew Steves as if he already met them long before he arrived to this realm? Why did he seem so skilled? 

What is Sabre REALLY hiding?


Short chapter cause why the heck not-

Also- Yes, The Violet Leader can be really Violent. Hehe. Y'all don't know what I have in store for him. 



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