Chapter 8

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"So wait, you guys think that Sabre missing memories are scattered? In places he deems important or safe, right?" Gerald asked, Violet Leader, Jeremy and Light nodded, confirming what Gerald had said. He simply sighed as he thought about it. Honestly, it seems to have made sense. 

"I won't like, that does makes sense in some ways. However, I doubt it would even be easy to remotely find or see them. Don't even know what they look like either honestly." He added, the others was silent. Knowing that Gerald was indeed correct in what he had said. They didn't know what exactly they were looking for, they're not even sure if they can even find it either honestly. 

How can something so simple, just be so difficult? 


Rainbow Void growls after receiving the reports, he was angered that his guards was so easily fooled by Sabre lies. However, at the same time, he realized how clever Sabre seems to be, he was far more smarter than he had originally anticipated. He wonders what surprises Sabre had under his sleeve.

One thing for sure, he wants Sabre all to himself. No one else, but his, and his alone. 

But first, he needs to improve the defenses, as well as the guards, can't have Sabre escaping again when he captured him once more. 


Dark sighed as he watched Violet Leader and Jeremy argued, again, you may be wonder why? Well, you see, they were talking about what to do, until Jeremy suggested something seemingly stupid, which annoyed  the Violet Leader. To the point they're just arguing now. 

Dark, Light and Gerald did not like, nor stand them fighting for much longer as it's going to eventually end badly. How to stopped it though is a whole another question really. Neither of the three knows why they both remotely hate eachother really.


"When did the Violet Assistance became the new Violet Leader?" 


Sabre hums softly as he draw something on the papers he had gotten from Green Steve, he had wanted him to stay home and not be seen as apparently, many are after him. Not the good people honestly, he understands, he's fine with staying hidden as much as possible anyways. He can't risk getting capture by the bad people anyways. Seeing as they were really bad when he had first realized it, well, somewhat too late that time. 

Thankfully, the guards was stupid enough to believe his lies hehe. Anyways, with a happy sound, he finished his art. It was a simple, yet beautiful art of the Rainbow Tree of Life,  a familiar tree from his old life and world. He missed his old world honestly, but times had changed, he have to move on eventually after all. 

With a sighed, he allowed his wings to appeared, one may expected something like angel wings, when really, Sabre was just a simple Chicken hybrid.

With a not so happy sighed, he searched around for a brush, once he found it, he sit on the bed in Green Steve room and carefully brushed his wings, making sure it was well care for and what not. To say the least, it helps him calm down when stressed or worried. It also helps makes sure that his wings were healthy as well. 

Once he was finished, he sighed. He was getting sleepy, he didn't feel like leaving Green Steve room either. So he lay down and went under the cover and fell into a peaceful sleep. 

Not noticing how he said Steve had just returned, only to simply smile upon seeing the sleeping player-chicken hybrid. So he had simply left him be as he went to do other things for the rest of the day.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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