Chapter 3

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Shadow Steve looked around at the remains of the Original Hub, there he noticed something peculiar about Gerald Old Domain. Curious, he went over to the place, opened the door and found a startling discovery. Sitting at the throne was Gerald of course, however, his vibrant yet pale pink hair was long enough to be made into a side braid. Although there's a single streak of red in his hair, oddly enough. His eyes are of course crimson red, a red robe with white fur, a redish pink dress shirt, black trousers, a white belt around his waist, his usual crown on his head, light grey boots that fit well. "Hello Dark Steve, or would you prefer Shadow Steve in your current state?" Gerald calmly asked, Shadow Steve gulped a little, he felt as though he should be cautious of him.

"Shadow Steve is fine sir." Shadow Steve answered. Gerald hummed a little and stood up. "I'm assuming you're looking for Sabre, right?" He asked, Shadow Sabre nodded. "I also want to at least try and convince the steves that what he did, was not his fault, but the darkness instead." He answered with a serious tone. Gerald once again hummed a little then walked up to him, Shadow Steve slightly backed away from him, as Gerald was apparently taller then him by at least 1 foot.

To say the least, Shadow Steve is at the average height of 5'6 and Gerald is at 6'4.

Yeah Shadow Steve is short.

"To be honest, I knew something was off about Sabre, what you said may have confirmed my suspicion of him being controlled. Although, the only other person I know of that thinks Sabre was not in control would be the great librarian, which isn't surprising really." He answered with a calm tone, Shadow Steve nodded. "I also know that Violet leader and Yellow Steve are beginning to feel conflicted with the recent events of Sabre's return....being amnesiac." He tells him. Gerald paused and looked at him shocked.

"Sabre is Amnesiac?!"


"What do we do Rainbow Steve?" Violet Leader asked, the spirit of Rainbow Steve hums a little, looking at them both. "Find the shadow of Steve. He will help you, find the answers you seek. The Truth behind Rainbow Void purpose. Prevent the fall of the Kingdom of Rainbows." Rainbow Steve spirit spoken, Violet Leader and Yellow Steve looked at each other and then at the Spirit of Rainbow Steve. "The Shadow of a Steve?" Violet Leader question, unsure what that even meant.

The Spirit of Rainbow Steve nodded. "Yes. However, with the way you looked, you will likely be recognized by the enemies. You never realized this, but YOU Steves are the causes of your own downfall. Ironic is it not? You Steves tried so hard to get rid of the "Darkness" when really, you all made it worse by pressuring the heros. " The spirit of Rainbow Steve said, with a disappointed tone.

Violet Leader and Yellow Steve looked down. They didn't realize what their people, they didn't realize until it was too late.

The Spirit of Rainbow Steve sighed. "For now, the time hasn't come yet for you to understand fully. Return to what you were doing before, then you will understand the price you all had paid for causing Sabre Amnesia." The spirit of Rainbow Steve said as he looked at them both once more, then vanished.

Leaving behind a guilt struck Violet leader and Yellow Steve.

For now, they would have to just go about their day, trying to find Sabre once again, apologize and try to fix their past mistakes, before History Truly repeated. They failed Rainbow Steve once, they can't do it again.


Rainbow Void stares at Sabre in slight disbelief, he was unaware how Skillful Share is with creating machines, or how smart he is actually. Of course, that would probably explain how Clever Sabre seems to be, even with his limited abilities in this realm. Rainbow Void hums softly, thinking of what he can do to Sabre now, then realizing something. "Sabre?" He called out, getting Sabre to stop working on a machine and looked at him. "Yes?" He answered back. "Have you ever met a dark shadowy version of yourself?" He asked, making sure to not sound suspicious. Sabre held a thoughtful look, then nodded. "Yeah, I know Shadow Sabre and Dark Sabre." He answered.

Rainbow Void recoiled in surprise, what did he mean by Dark Sabre? Rainbow Void hums slightly, confused, having never heard of 'Darksaber' to say the least. "Sabre, who is Darksaber?" He then asked in curiosity, Sabre shrugged. "He's just a dark version of me when I accidentally drank a bottle of Dark Steve powers." He answered. Rainbow Void frowned, having no understanding what Sabre meant by that. Was his memories replaced with something else?....

Or is this something of Sabre's past.

Rainbow Void hides a smile, he will use this to his advantage either way.

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