Chapter 4

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Gerald paced back and forth, thinking about the many possibilities that can happen now that Rainbow Void had a amnesiac Sabre on his side. Heck, Rainbow Void Could even use the hidden Knowledge Sabre had, Gerald shudders at the thought of Rainbow Void using Sabre to reset Steve, heck, even destroying all of Minecraftia. Shaking his head, he looks at Shadow Steve. "Shadow Steve, I'm going to need your help with this, are you willing to help?" He asked, Shadow Steve thought for a moment, then nodded. "Of course, I came back as a shadow Because I wanted to save Sabre somehow. He did so much, it's just wrong for us to Not save him in some ways." He answered with Confidence, Gerald Smiled and patted his back. "Good. Now come on, we need to find any other Steves that are willing to help us Save Sabre." Gerald then said, Shadow Steve nodded, until Gerald gave Shadow Steve a new set of clothes.

"Here, not gonna be rude or anything, but I'm pretty sure anyone would think your darkness if you keep wearing the same clothes, except, maybe the Orange Steve, they might recognize you as Dark Steve." Gerald politely tells him, then leaves the old domain. Shadow Steve stares at the clothes for a moment, then shrugged. Gerald does have a point anyways.


Sabre explores the Forest, he was glad Rainbow Void had allowed him to do so instead of always being stuck in the Volcano base, it can be lonely after a while. Oh and Sabre was wearing something much different then what he usually wears. He wore a dark grey cloak, his normal bandanna that covers his eyes, Dark brown trousers, green long sleeve tunic, dark blue vest and dark grey traveling boots. Anyways, Sabre just wanders around and explores, picking up some flowers along the way. "Hey...Your not the Shadow Sabre I once know, are you?" Sabre suddenly asked, Shadow Sabre flinched, he didn't expect Sabre to actually realize he was there. "How did you...?" He trailed off, Sabre shrugged.

"I don't think you're the same as the one I knew, since I accidentally fused with Shadow Sabre that time. Anyways, why are you here?" He instead asked Shadow Sabre to stare at Sabre, suspicious of what he had meant by fusing with Steve. "I'm, what you like to say, your opposite." Shadow Sabre answered, Sabre hums a little. "Like Darksaber?" Sabre asked, Shadow Sabre stares at him with bewilderment, he doesn't know what he meant by Dark Steve. Before Shadow Sabre can question any further, they both heard someone.


It was a Green Steve.

"Ooh! A Green Steve, Hi!" Sabre excitedly said, Green Steve looked at him, confused, he walked over to him and noticed what was wrong immediately. "Sabre?" "Yes? Also, how did you know my name???" Sabre then asked in confusion, this was worrisome in the Green Steve opinions, especially since something was really wrong with his mental state. "Sabre, we were friends, until something had happened and you had no choice, but to go." Green Steve then told him, Sabre had a look of understanding and nodded.

"Okay, that made sense. Rainbow Void didn't tell me anything and just yelled at me when I tried to learn what had happened and why I was amnesiac. Soul and Corruption acted the same as well." Sabre answered casually, Green Steve frowned, he didn't like that, at all. "You know that Rainbow Void is-" "-A bad Steve that wants to end all life that's good?" Sabre answered with a simple smile. Green Steve stares at him startled and shocked.

"You knew he was evil???" He asked, Sabre nodded. "I saw my fair share of villains, yet, Rainbow Void is something I would never have expected. I can already tell I'm FAR from my world. Although not hard to piece together the fact I was a hero before, but somehow got turned evil by the sword I had. Plus, it wasn't easy to see it, but Rainbow Void, Soul and Corruption tried to manipulate me." Sabre explained with a serious look and tone. Green Steve shudders at the sight of Sabre being really Serious. He never seen him be so serious before. Kinda scary, not gonna lie.

"Anyways, Green Steve?" Sabre then asked Green Steve to gesture a 'Go on' motion. "Mind if I stay with you? Being around lava...Reminds me of some things in my past." He said, Green Steve nodded in understanding. "Sure thing Sabre, come on, my home isn't too far from here." Green Steve then said, leading Sabre to his home, Sabre nodded and the two just talked.

Not realizing, Light Steve was watching from the trees.

"Sabre is amnesiac?..." Light Steve quietly muttered, leaning on the trees, a bit lost in thoughts. Then realized something. "Is that why no one has seen Violet Leader and Yellow Steve?" He wonders to himself, shaking his head, he decides to head back to the Rainbow Kingdom to figure out more on what's going on and why this is happening.  

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