Chapter 5

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Violet Leader and Yellow Steve with the Leather chestplate- Oh you know what, let's just call him Jeremy, his name was a pain to write anyways, but back to the story, the two were talking to one another in the citadel in the Rainbow Kingdom.

They were talking about what they should do and how it would affect the sudden change in the future. Until Light Steve entered the room. "Violet Leader? Jeremy? May I speak with you both?" He asked, Violet Leader and Jeremy looked at each other, then at Light Steve, confused. "Of course, what is it that you wish to speak with us about?" Violet Leader asked, both confused and curious.

Light Steve sighed. "Is it true that Sabre is Amnesiac?" He asked Violet Leader and Jeremy to look at him in utter shock. "How did you know about that?!" Jeremy asked in surprise, shocked, not expecting someone else to know. Light Steve held a slightly sheepish look. "Well, I kinda saw Sabre in the forest, talking to a Green Steve." He answered, Violet Leader hums, thinking.

"You say that Sabre is in the forest with a Green Steve, right?" Violet Leader asked, Light Steve nodded. "Indeed sir." He answered, Violet Leader then sighed. "I guess there's no other choice, but, Light Steve, you think you could help us stop Rainbow Void, while also recovering bits and pieces of Sabre memories?" He asked, Light Steve hums in thoughts, then nodded. "I'll help, even if I find this suspicious and odd after all." He said, with a smile.

Jeremy smiled as well. "Welp, welcome to the group Light Steve, but I think we should visit all of the places Sabre has been to before, cause I have a feeling each memory of his involves a place or something." He said, Violet Leader raised an eyebrow at Jeremy's statement. "Are you sure that would be a good idea? It could be dangerous after all." He said, Jeremy shrugged. "I know it may be dangerous and all, but it's the best we can do as of right now." He said, Light Steve nodded.

"He's right, we gotta do with what we have at the moment, any clues, big or small are important after all." Light Steve told them both, Violet Steve was silent for a moment, then nodded. "Alright then, let's go." He then said, the others nodded and they left the room.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S GONE?!" Rainbow Void shouted in anger, Soul Steve and Corruption Steve stayed silent, kneeled in front of the angered Steve. "We're Sorry sire, but he seems to have been able to find a way out of this base without trouble." Soul Steve said, without a single bit of fear in his tone. Rainbow Void growled, sitting on his throne. Seething in anger. "I want the both of you to find and bring him back here. Am. I. Clear?" He said with an angered tone. "Yes Sire." Soul Steve and corruption Steve answered, leaving the throne room.

Rainbow Void sighed, calming down. He thought for a moment, How did Sabre actually escape from his volcano base that's heavily guarded?

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