Chapter 2

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Rainbow Void and Sabre appear in what seems like a throne room, however, Sabre seems amazed by the room itself, having never seen a throne room before. So he wonders around, exploring. Meanwhile with Rainbow Void though....He slightly smiled. Of course he knows that everyone thinks Sabre, well, the REAL Sabre haven't returned, still believe that he's still a monster for the past two months. Although, he was confused on HOW Sabre became amnesiac. He will get his answers soon, eventually. "For now, I'll let you be free, once the time comes, I'll show you how selfish those so-called "Friends'' really are, Sabre." Rainbow Void mutters, then quietly chuckles, but first, he needs to figure out how he would keep Sabre in the dark and unable to find out the truth.


Violet Leader walked back and forth, pacing, he was unsure what to do now that Sabre had returned, he wasn't even sure if that was even the real Sabre! He and Yellow Steve had told Elemental Steve and Time Steve, but the two seem to not care. Which set off Yellow Steve and Violet Leader as suspicious. Even though it has been two months, they did not expect for them to act like that Sabre. Granted, Violet Leader doesn't blame them, Sabre had done a lot of horrible things. Although, he and Yellow Steve are still not sure what to do anymore. They knew Sabre had never shown his eyes before as he always wore a blindfold.

Nor the fact Sabre actually has Silver and Bluish green eyes.

A Extremely rare colorations to say the least. Violet Leader shakes his head, he and Yellow Steve need to find Sabre, there's no telling what Rainbow Void did to him....Or the after effect of..."Violet Leader?" Yellow Steve asked, getting him out of his thoughts. "Yes Yellow Steve?" Violet Leader answered, wondering what Yellow Steve wanted to ask. "...Why is Rainbow Steve spirit here and looks really really mad at us?"

"What do you mean Rainbow Steve Spirit is behind me?" Violet Leader asked in confusion, Yellow Steve just pointed behind him, of course the Violet leader looked behind him and immediately backed away to Yellow Steve. Rainbow Steve spirit, was really mad, to say the least. More so then both Steve have ever seen him like. To say the least, it's a bit intimidating. "How is his spirit here, even possible?" Yellow Steve whispered, Violet Leader wished he knew the answer. "You guys are idiots! You have no idea how bad this really is! Or what his past friends tried to keep him safe from." Rainbow Steve spirit said with a not so happy tone.

Violet leader and Yellow Steve looked at eachother, then at Rainbow Steve Spirit.''What do you mean...?" Yellow Steve cautiously asked, hoping to not anger him any further. Rainbow Steve Spirit glared at them. "I am not the Rainbow Steve you know. I am from the Steve Saga realm, brought here to relay a message, what I have to say though, is that you all betrayed Sabre for something he was not in control of, because of it, he subconsciously locked the memories away from this world and life. Now, he's being used by the enemies, not in a way you think, but, you never realized how terrifying Sabre inner demons are." He somewhat explains to them with hints of anger.

...What damage did they do..?


He looked around, he knew he had been gone for so long. He watched it all happen. He knew what really happened to Sabre during the two months he was used as a puppet to the Darkness. He watched him fight against his dark variant as well. He knew what the Steves reaction would have been, had Sabre not lost his memories. Watched him be scared, then taken away by Rainbow Void. Violet Leader and Yellow Steve slowly realized the truth. How Selfish Time Steve and Elemental Steve began to act, he didn't like it. Not at all. Sabre had seen Sabre do so many good things, yet, the Steves betrayed him without knowing the truth.

They really are selfish.

Perhaps it's time he returned to the realm and found Sabre and helped him. Be there for him when no one else can. Make Rainbow Steve, no, Orange Steve, at least happy that someone can help Sabre when he can not. A time for him to redeemed himself as a being, a Steve , to say the least.

Taking one last look around the forest that surrounds the lake, he walked into a portal and returned to the world.

He was no longer Dark Steve, but just a mere shadow of what he once looked like. He is now Shadow Steve.

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