Chapter 50: Marshall POV

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"Have fun Brat. Call me when you get back later." Leaning over to kiss her goodbye she smiled as she pulled away from me.

"Are you sure you don't mind keeping the three of them?"

"Not the first time I had three pussies in one night princess." I chuckled at my own joke but couldn't hold the loud laugh after her disgusted face that she pulled.

"Blanche, Rose, and Dorothy were the life of the party back then. But really! Are you sure sure that you'll be okay with them?"

I hate her.

"They'll be fine. I'll be fine. Don't worry your pretty little head."

She leaned back over and kissed me again before rushing off into her place. I knew she was meeting her friends before the show and I had selfishly kept her until the very last second I could before my own daughters would have killed me.

Hannah had explained in her teacher voice that I should have at least called Drake to say hello since he was in the D. I knew Trick was going to the show and that the afterparties in the city were going to be insane.

Knowing that Hannah and my daughters would be attending at least one of said parties made me slightly uneasy. Yes I had eyes on them at all times but I wanted my eyes on a specific one.

Picking up my work phone I called the number I had saved under Drakes name. He had asked me about the show months ago and at the time I didn't want to do it.

After my hour long lecture about how he looks up to me and that I would be a real asshole if I didn't make an effort or that I would make his dreams come true if I made an appearance I decided I'd listen to princess.

Selfishly of course.

I was hoping to be rewarded for being such a nice guy.


His voice connected to my speakers instantly and he sounded unsure.

"Hey man it's Marshall."

"No shit!? Hey man what's good?"

He's worse than a damn fan girl from 2002.

"You still up for me dropping into your show?"

"Yes! Absolutely man! Holy shit are you serious?"

I had to chuckle.

"I'll call Paul and get shit handled. I'll see you soon."



The set was actually really good and the crowd was having a blast. I could hear everything from the back entrance of the arena and was currently making my way toward the stage.

Looking around me I couldn't see anyone besides the large body guards that were acting as secret service. No one knew I was here. I didn't even tell Royce or Trick.

"Alright, we have the cue ready to go. He's gonna talk to the crowd for a bit, the song will resume and you'll come up from the stage. It'll be the beginning of your set. You good?" Paul asked and I nodded my head.

Piece of cake.

The floor board above me opened a few minutes later and suddenly the noise level exploded.

We finished the song and the smile on the kids face did in fact make me happy.

Hannah was right.

She's always right we just won't ever admit that to her, idiot.

I wanna see her. Hurry up.

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