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1 week before her birthday. 1 week before christmas.

over the last couple of weeks, she has done nothing, but work and have sex with simon. harry had not said a single word to her after the day she went round to his and she had not told anyone about how badly she just wanted to leap onto him and kiss him. it seemed as though he stayed with katie, making daisy completely and truly realise the situation with him, but it only made the shoots more awkward and for once she genuinely felt excited to escape from london back home for christmas.

"so are we all back for boxing day?" ethan spoke as all the boys turned to stare at daisy, hinting at her usual birthday party.

"erm," turning around from packing her camera away, "yeah i guess so." they all grinned at her, all but one. harry. she took in a deep breath, "all invited." she smiled, particularly glancing over to harry as he returned a sad smile.

"i'll see you all boxing day, have a good christmas you lot!" tobi waved, walking out of the door as everyone exchanged goodbye's and hugs, knowing today was most likely the last day a majority of them will see one another.

simon helped daisy carry her things to her car, "so, what day are you going home again?" he questioned.

"monday." she smiled, closing her car boot. "you coming round or?" gesturing to her car, she shivered in the winter air.

"i don't see why not." he grinned as they both got into the car.

as they reached her flat, they both sprawled themselves out on the sofa, putting on a christmas movie in an attempt to get into the christmas spirit and cover themselves with a blanket. "are you sure you want harry to come to your party?"

"well," she mumbled into his chest, concentrating on 'home alone', "i don't think there would be an issue. i don't wanna leave him out, just as long as he doesn't bring katie i guess."

"i don't think that'll be happening." he played with her hair, turning his attention back to the tv.

"why?" she muttered, melting into the feeling of her hair being played with.

"don't think he's with her anymore, i don't really know though?"

"wait, what?" she shot up, looking straight into his eyes.

"erm," he furrowed his eyebrows at her shocked state. "nothing has really been said, but ethan is convinced. just don't think it's a situation people are talking about." he shrugged his shoulders, looking back to the tv.

"oh, right." she exhaled, slowly laying her head back down onto his chest, but her focus on the movie was completely lost as she thought about harry. maybe harry didn't want katie or daisy considering he has not spoke to him since and it completely broke her, what if he does not want to be friends again? all this thinking tired her and her breath slowly fell heavy as her thoughts slowly came to an end and her eyes grew heavy.

simon remained stroking his fingers through her hair, watching her chest fall and rise as she snuggled into his chest. he smiled at her exhausted state, annoyed at himself for how badly he has fallen for her. he almost felt annoyed at her for inviting harry, realising how much he has hurt her and confused her this year, all the shit he has put her through, but he also knew that he could not be left out at one of the best parties they have had now 4 years in a row.

25th december. daisy awoke in the morning, staring at the date written across her phone screen realising it is also her birthday. 24 years old.

she rose from her bed, taking in a deep breath and sliding on her slippers to go downstairs, greeted by her mum, dad and brother. "happy birthday!" they cheered in unison as her mum embraced her into a hug.

"thanks," daisy gave them all a cheesy grin, "merry christmas." they all sat unwrapping their gifts and cards and daisy grinned at how grateful her family are at the presents she got for them.

the day felt slightly weird, her life just was not completely the same and this past year has been a rollercoaster of emotions. "still not friends with harry?" her mum glanced at her, turning away from the tv.

"erm, a bit complicated. but i guess not." she sighed, flicking through all the posts her friends have put up for her on instagram and grinning at the either beautiful photos or terrible drunk states.

"simon seems nice though." her mum replied.

"yeah he is," she smiled back at her, "he's lovely. he's done a lot for me this year."

"well that's good then! it's a shame about harry though, he's a lovely guy."

"hmm." daisy muttered in return, not wanting to talk about him anymore. she turned her focus back to the tv, exhaling at her mother's comments and ruffled through the box of chocolates. suddenly her phone pinged.

from Harold x
happy birthday x

she furrowed her eyebrows at the message, taking a deep breath in completely confused. twiddling her thumbs over the keyboard, her mind raced around trying to think of a reply.

to Harold x
thanks :)

that was all she could reply with.

from Harold x
had a good day?

to Harold x
same as every year i guess.

why is he trying to make conversation?

from Harold x
that's stinky. can i still come tomorrow?

to Harold x
sure, just don't bring katie i guess

from Harold x
cool and i'm not with her anymore

she sighed. why did he not tell her sooner?

this chapter is so stinky!
just trying to set it up for the next chapter x
next ones a long one tho :)

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