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she awoke to the crisp winter air filling her bedroom and sighed as she remembered last nights events. cuddling herself up under her covers, avoiding the cold, daisy briefly checked her phone. 11am. opening whatsapp, she proceeded to message the groupchat

to Gang Sheet

daisy: remember, 2pm boys. pls dont be late :) i beg x

si: yeah of course x

jj: you better get some fit pics of me today dais

daisy: i do that every week dont i jide?

et-han: dw, will be on time, it should be tobi that you need to tell!

tobs: hey, i'll actually be on time thanks ethan

et-han: yeah mate, we'll see about that

harold x: yeah wont be late.

freezy: ye dais me and bog wont be late

kon: cool, me, dais and crew will be there about an hour earlier to set up

forcing herself out of the warmth, she stumbled to the bathroom and stared into the mirror, her eyes still puffy from the night before. she exhaled, stepping into a steaming hot shower and embracing the heat that surrounded her, she began to think about harry and their friendship. about how long it could take for things to go back to normal, but what even is normal? and how she feared being able to trust him again, where could they go from here? would simon be mad? she appreciated simon too much to upset him and she would not dream of doing to simon what harry did to her. never. but were her feelings towards harry different? she never imagined liking him romantically, but that is all she could think of and she did not understand why.

when she finally finished getting ready she checked the time, 12:30pm. gathering her bag, equipment, coat and keys, she headed for her car. after last night she felt empty, like she could not express any form of emotion. upon reaching the studio where they were filming today, she was greeted by a cheery kon who was excited to use his new camera and he helped her carry her things from the car. "cheers kon." she smiled, following him into the studio where they were proceeding to set everything up.

today they were filming 'the weakest link' and as the crew set up the individual stands for each of the boys, daisy sat to the side and scrolled through her phone. as she scrolled through twitter she noticed "Happy Birthday @wroetoshaw, much love.".

"oh my god." she gasped to herself, an overwhelming sense of guilt gathering in the pit of her stomach, realising that when it turned his birthday last night she just sat shouting at him. realising it's the first year in the 5 that they have known each other where she has not given him a gift or celebrated with him. realising that she actually forgot his birthday. all she could do was pray to herself that all the boys cheer him up today. suddenly she received a message.

from si

hey, gonna be there a bit earlier and i'm just gonna get a coffee, you want a mocha? your fave :) oat milk of course lol x

she smiled to herself, grateful that simon is willing to get her a coffee and in particular knows her order, but suddenly felt empty upon remembering the days harry would bring her coffee's, but she could not understand why she felt like this and why her feelings were all over the place, even towards harry.

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