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slowly approaching the house in her car, she stopped before reaching the gates, quickly grabbing her phone.

to cal
i'm at urs, pls open gates

she typed swiftly, praying for a response so that she wouldn't have to press the buzzer and face the awkwardness of harry not letting her in if he doesn't want to see her. she let out a sigh of relief as she watched the gate slowly open and she parked her car terribly, greeted at the door by cal. "what are you doing here?"

"well that's nice of you. harry wants to talk to me." cal moved to the side, allowing daisy to make her way in.

"hmm okay, i'll go get him." she watched cal stroll over to harry's room as she slowly sat herself on the edge of the sofa awkwardly. she had not really been to their new house, only to pick cal up now and again  and it felt completely new and strange to her as she glanced around the place, taking it all in. as she heard footsteps, she quickly span her head. "i'll erm, leave you two to it." cal smiled, grabbing something from the kitchen and quickly headed to his room.

"oh erm, hi." he looked down at his feet, heavily stepping to sit next to her. "wasn't expecting you." he cleared his throat, slowly sitting in the corner of the sofa as she turned her body to look at him. daisy slowly relaxed into the sofa, unzipping her jacket as the warmth of the house embraced her.

"yeah i was in my car anyways and well, i thought you wanted to talk so, yeah." she smiled, kicking off her shoes to rest her feet on the sofa. glancing at him, she noticed how drained and unhappy he appears to be, missing the times when he was nothing but cheeky and cheerful.

"oh right," he scratched the back of his head, clearly unprepared for this conversation, "yeah daisy i'm sorry." he sighed as he awkwardly looked away from her, they both sat in silence for a few seconds, "i honestly don't know why i care about you and simon like you can do what you want, but there is definitely something going on."

"even if there was harry, it's none of your business anymore. anything i do now is none of your business, you haven't cared for months and now you do." daisy sat picking at her nails, waiting for a response.

"but i did care, i regret doing what i did. i've hated being apart from you -"

"you can't have hated it that much if you got back together with her." she cut him off, clearly angered by his response.

"dais - jesus, i mean daisy," he exhaled, "i got back with her because all i needed was you and you clearly wanted nothing to do with me. i just wanted a friend." she rolled her eyes, 'friend' she sighed to herself as she thought about her confusing feelings towards him.

"but you can't run back like that after so many months, you might've needed me, but i probably would have lost you again. you don't understand how badly it hurt when you sent me that message saying how she doesn't trust us or some shit. i know my place in your life harry." a lump in her throat slowly formed as her eyes slowly welled up.

"i - i did know," he stuttered as he noticed a tear trickle down her cheek which she quickly wiped away, "all the boys told me how upset you were, i knew they were mad at me daisy. i don't blame you for being friends with them, simon probably treats you better anyways."

"if you knew then why didn't you ask if i was okay?" her voice began to raise, "and what me and simon have is nothing like what me and you had. i think about our years as best friends all the time harry."

"what, so are you and simon together?"

"did i say that?" she rolled her eyes once again, "i said what me and him have is not comparable, nothing can be comparable to what we had. but fuck me harry, stop getting bothered about simon."

"not bothered." he mumbled, once again looking away from her. harry was clearly bothered by daisy and simon, he hated the way she smiled around him, the way they would cuddle like he and daisy did, all the time they spend together. jealousy. regret. he regretted choosing katie over daisy, but he has never been certain about his feelings. especially towards daisy. almost like 'i don't want her, but no one else can have her', except he did want her. he needed her, just completely unsure in what way or why he constantly felt irritated every time simon's name fell from her lips.

"you're pissing me off now. you either want to be friends with me or you don't? what's it going to be?"

"but katie -" he was instantly cut off.

"fucking hell she literally cheated on you, get a grip! you don't need her." clearly fuming, daisy turned away from him as he stared at her. "she's a bitch anyways." she muttered under her breath.


"i said she's a fucking bitch. has been and always will be." she instantly raised her voice, turning back round to stare at him, her jealousy clearly showing. daisy shot up the sofa, grabbing her keys from the arm, "i'm sorry to say this harry, but it's me or her."

"stop being a bitch." harry stood up behind her, staring straight at her. "you can't make me choose like that."

"fine, i won't." she looked up at him, staring straight into his eyes, "but don't run back to me ever again if you want her. i will be civil with you, but i am giving us a chance. i miss you harry, why is that so difficult to understand?" their faces close to one another, his hot breath on the tip of her nose. they stayed like that for a moment, gazing into one another's eyes as she began to truly notice how beautiful his blue eyes were.

"but." he quickly snapped out of it, baffled to why his first instinct was to grab her face and kiss her. it has never been like that between them before and he knew it would be a bad idea to act upon those intentions. he isn't a cheat like his girlfriend and he certainly does not want to ruin what he assumes daisy and simon have, even though he could not stand it.

"forget about it." she sighed, "i can see how it is harry, just try not to get cheated on again i guess." she slowly walked towards the door, swiftly wiping away the tears falling from her eyes. as she opened the door, she looked back at him with sad eyes as a tear tickled his cheek.

"daisy please." she shook her head at him, slamming the front door behind her and racing to her car. her eyes filled to the brim with tears as she drove home, she wanted nothing more than to have him back in her life. nothing can equate to what they both had and she definitely cannot compare it to simon now that she is shagging him.

as she got to her flat, she stumbled through the door and flung the door shut behind her, diving onto the sofa. she lay face down, her head in her hands as a great sob escaped her. thinking about that moment where they were both fixated on one another's eyes, all she wanted to do was connect lips with him. but she knew how wrong that would be, especially if he didn't feel the same way. or how he still has a girlfriend and although she cannot stand katie, she would never do such a thing. or how it would most likely break her deal with simon, the guilt that she would feel knowing full well they can't be with anyone else.

daisy couldn't stop herself falling for harry, she just wanted to escape and never come back because it clearly felt like the right option at the moment, but in her mind it was far from mutual.

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