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tuesday 1 december. she scanned the date written across her screen, curled up beneath her covers. she had not spoke to harry or simon since sunday and she was dreading the conversation she would face with both of them, thinking about how much easier it would be to quit her job and run away.

but it was today's date that fucked with her. 5 years ago today harry questioned what time her shift finished, the night they sat and spoke for hours whilst his two friends were so wasted they could barely remember where home was. the day they formed a bond that could not be replaced by anyone else. in her heart, she prayed that harry was also thinking about her today, laughing at the memories they have together, maybe considering his actions this past week.

sighing, she hid her head under the covers. today she was going to think about herself, 'a treat from me to me' she thought, which consisted of food and refusal to get out of bed today. the last week felt hectic, overwhelming and baffling. it was as though she had a lot of thinking to do, a lot of feelings to consider. she would do anything to get back on track with harry, rekindle their friendship and act like nothing changed, but everything has changed. would things really be the same? she proceeded to open her laptop in preparation for her lazy day and upon clicking on a new sidemen reacts video filmed the previous day, she could cut the tension with a knife between harry and simon as soon as the video even started.

they were both equally moody, throwing light insults at one another which the fans would have seen as a joke, but daisy knew the reality of it. "you've got to be joking me." she sighed, watching the video come to an end and almost feeling guilty, as though she created this problem. but it was harry'a fault, right? she couldn't deal with it any longer, alone in her flat, tied down by her feelings and almost felt a complete change of heart towards being alone today.

dais: anyone fancy a drink tonight?
frey :): at mine? josh isn't home, 6pm?x
gee: sure x
talia: sorry bby's, can't make it :(

that's it settled, daisy, freya and gee. she was grateful her friends agreed to this plan, but daisy knew they felt slightly sorry for her, she hadn't felt like this towards any other guys before whilst being friends with them. daisy was only ever met with random one night stands or a couple of tinder dates, the deepest relationship she had being her high school and sixth form sweetheart; until she left for london, realising long distance just would not work at a young age. but she was grateful to have a young romance work, especially all the time she spent working during sixth form to go to london. between the ages of 16 and 18, she saved as much money as she could, but leaving during that summer after sixth form, she almost felt regret and guilt. daisy was lonely up until she met harry, she had made no friends, she spent everyday working at the bar to get her by and wished she had never left. wished she had spent life with her young lover. but now she regrets nothing, she is nothing but grateful that harry spoke to her that day, even though she never really knew why he did. grateful for all the friends she has made, but most of all grateful for spending the last 2 years doing something she is genuinely passionate about, photography.

the girls were the only people she had really messaged recently, not even the main groupchat was popping like usual. everything felt so tense and she felt so guilty even though she knew that hardly any of this was her fault.

as 6pm rolled around, she gathered her things and travelled in an uber to freya's. when she arrived, she instantly hugged freya which completely took her by surprised. they both giggled, stood there in joggers and sweatshirts ready to chill and to take in the sensation from the wine. suddenly, gee arrived embracing both girls into a hug and they laid on the sofa, sticking a movie on even though they knew they were not going to pay attention to it.

"you haven't said anything about harry messaging you when we were on facetime the other day?" gee glanced at daisy, taking a sip of her wine. daisy quickly cleared her throat, staring into her glass, swirling the base of the glass.

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