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"i - i, i'm sorry." he cleared his throat as she stared at him wide eyed, processing what had just happened.

"don't be." she cleared her throat, lifting her body up from her bed and pulling her dress down slightly, tapping at the wet patches across her cheeks.

"i shouldn't have done that." he stood in front of her, grabbing his drink, staring down at her.

"why?" furrowing her eyebrows, she also grabbed her drink.

"well what about simon?" he questioned, brushing a piece of hair from in front of her face, "and the fact nothing like this has happened between us before."

"okay." she inhaled deeply, closing her eyes preparing to walk back into the party. was this feeling not mutual then? as she quickly span on her heel to walk away, he lightly grabbed her wrist. "get off." she mumbled, yanking her arm away from his touch. taking in another deep breath, she opened her bedroom door to go back to her party. quickly tapping under her eyes, she attempted to melt back into the atmosphere but all she wanted to do was go to bed and cry.

"where've you been?" jj wrapped an arm around her, sipping at his drink as she walked over to the boys.

"just needed a breather, slightly wasted." she giggled, gulping her drink down. "i'm gonna get another." slightly tripping over her own two feet, she head towards her kitchen and simon followed her.

"do you want me to stay tonight?" he wrapped an arm around her waist as she poured herself another drink. she glanced over at harry walking out of her bedroom, completely focused on him as he gloomily walked over to the boys. her gaze on him was so heavy her drink over flowed.

"fuck." she muttered, reaching for something to wipe it with but simon had already done it. "thanks." she smiled up at him. clearing her throat slightly, "yeah you can stay if you want." he nodded back at her. breathing in deeply, all she could think about was harry. walking over to the group where harry stood, she placed herself opposite him, glancing around at the boys chatting as they all towered over her. sipping at her drink, her and harry glanced at one another. wrapping a curl around her finger, she anxiously played with her hair as her heart thudded like a drum in her chest. he fidgeted slightly, whether it be with his t-shirt or the label on his bottle, saying nothing as he blankly stared at her while chewing the inside of his cheek. her eyes slightly welled up again, causing her to break eye contact and look down at the floor in an attempt to stop the tears.

"you alright dais?" cal stood next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders causing her to look up at him.

"yeah." she softly smiled, sipping at her drink and slightly glancing over to harry who was clearly trying his hardest to not look back at her. ethan stared at her, his eyes narrowed, knowing full well how not okay she was right now.

"wanna come stand on the balcony for a bit dais?" he leaned over to her, tapping her hand lightly.

"please." she nodded, grabbing her vape and jacket from the table as they both attempted to not get tangled in her blinds as they stepped into the open.

"what's up?" he glanced over to her as she inhaled the nicotine, shivering slightly at the late night air.

"just all a bit complicated isn't it?" she sighed, leaning over the balcony and appreciating the view. appreciating everything she has right now.

"what is?" he leaned over the balcony with her, sipping at his bottle. "harry?" he questioned.

"mhm." was all she could say, looking up at the clear sky. they stood in silence for a moment, "trying to be friends again, but it just feels so difficult."

"well it will be for a bit, you've been apart for months. but you two being friends is so good, like bog was so happy around you." she smiled softly at his response.

"yeah i guess so." she breathed in the crisp air, the alcohol slightly hitting her even more. "let's go back in." she stepped through the sliding door, watching everyone dance and sing along to 'fluorescent adolescent', joining her girlfriends to join in with them. "the best you ever had is just a memory and those dreams!"

in an attempt to enjoy the rest of her night, she only had one more drink which she sipped at slowly and sang along to some of her favourite songs that her friends played through the speakers. but she felt tense. anxious. baffled. she did not understand what had just happened between her and harry, or why it even happened. are their feelings even mutual? probably not. nothing like this has ever happened between them before.

4am rolled around and everyone began getting their taxi's home. harry and cal being the last to leave. cal drunkenly wrapped his arms around daisy, thanking her for an amazing night. "dais i'll go wait in bed." simon shouted to her smiling and she nodded and smiled back. harry sighed, looking at the floor.

"come on bog." cal gestured.

"yeah mate, i'll meet you down there. it's not even here yet." harry inhaled, frustrated.

"yeah but dais wants to go to bed, she's obviously tired!" he pointed at her, her posture almost sagging to the floor. she laughed at his response.

"mate i'll meet you downstairs!" harry ushered cal
out of the door. "daisy i'm sorry." all she could do was nod back at him and look down at her shoes.

"you don't even need to be sorry." she shrugged her shoulders, "i don't regret it." she mumbled.

"oh. erm." he moved closer to her, lifting her chin up with his finger just like he did when they were sat on her bed. "you don't regret it at all?" he questioned, swaying slightly from the alcohol, but she had sobered up by this point.

"i don't think so." she fluttered her eyelashes, staring at his lips. he inhaled deeply, leaning down to plant a delicate kiss on her lips.

"not even that?" he gulped loudly, unsure about what he just did. however, she was completely sure about everything.

"no harry. i don't think so." she lightly bit her lip, reaching to stroke his cheek with her thumb. "your taxi is probably here now." she sighed as he nodded into her hand.

"bye." he waved, heading out of the door. as the door closed and locked behind him, he slumped down the wall opposite it, taking in everything that happened. feeling his eyes well up slightly, he lifted himself up and raced downstairs to the taxi. all he could think about was her, her lips, her touch. but understanding his feelings has never been harry's strong point and all he knows is he needs her somehow. though nothing like this has ever occurred before.

locking the door behind him, she pressed her head against the door inhaling deeply at tonight's events. her brain was functioning so hard to process everything that has happened, it only brought on a headache, causing a couple of tears to flutter from her eyes as she rested against her door. has she really fallen for who she considered to be her best friend? trudging to her bedroom, she ignored the mess sprawled around everywhere and sighed before opening the door to her bedroom. quickly wiping her cheeks, she opened the door only to find simon sound asleep in her bed. grinning at him, she quietly slid out of her dress, throwing on a hoodie and messily removed her makeup. turning off the lamp, she climbed in next to him causing him to stir slightly and wrap an arm around her.

but it took her a while to fall asleep.

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