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"simon i - i," she stuttered, tears pouring from her eyes, "simon i think i'm in love with harry."


"i think love him simon, i think i have done for a while." she gasped through the tears, watching tears fall down simon's cheeks. standing on opposite sides of his room, they both watched one another sob.

"but why?" he wailed his arms in the air, placing himself on the edge of his bed, quickly wiping away at the tears. "daisy you're just going crazy, you can't love him." looking up at her, his eyes filled up with tears again.

"why can't i?" she furrowed her eyebrows at him with a puzzled face.

"because he treated you like shit. i thought you guys were just friends." he sighed, staring at the wall in front of him.

"you don't know anything simon. i'm sorry okay?" she exhaled, kicking her feet around as his joggers drowned her.

"do you not think," he turned slightly to look up at her, "do you not think you used me slightly?"

"what?" raising her voice at him, she stared straight at him with her eyes narrowed.

"just seems like you used me. maybe because you're angry at harry, maybe just for the sex. i just thought one day we could be together." he wiped away at the tear that tickled his cheek. he never cried and never usually around people.

"don't try make me feel more guilty that i already do simon." she sat on the bed, sliding her feet into her trainers, "you know what? maybe we could have had something. but harry came back into my life and that's all i really have to say."

"no daisy, it can't be." she bit her lip at his response, quickly tying her shoe laces. "all this sex and you felt nothing?" he watched her frame as she breathed in deeply, she sat in silence again. "daisy, break the silence. please." quickly standing up, she turned to look at him as he remained sat on the bed.

"i did feel something simon. but as i said, because of harry we just can't do this. i'm sorry, okay?" her eyes grew sore from the tears, mascara trickling down her cheeks. "i'm fucking sorry!" she raised her voice at him, choking in between sobs. guilt completely overwhelmed and consumed her.

"how could you possibly love him?" he stood up again, his eyes looked red. this was the first time he had ever cried in front of her, and it completely broke her.

"we kissed and i felt something." she sniffled, gathering her belongings.

"and you felt nothing with me?"

biting her lip and slowly shaking her head, she gulped "not the same feeling." she walked towards his bedroom door.

"daisy, i love you." he completely broke down, but she couldn't stay and pick up his pieces. she couldn't lead him on more than she already had.

"i'm sorry simon." she quickly escaped his flat, holding in her sobs as she attempted to book an uber, but her vision blurry from the tears.

reaching her flat, she burst into tears which she held in during the whole journey home. her heart completely broke for simon. kicking off her shoes by the front door, she trudged to her flat to her bad. the first night in weeks she was finally alone and she felt like this. being in bed, she almost felt lonely. dying for someone next to her to comfort her and wipe away her tears. her heart had sank to her stomach as she rolled over, sobbing into her pillows. she genuinely felt like a bad person, a bad person for hurting simon, for leading him on, for being too selfish for starting the deal or calling it off when she knew it was getting too deep. she enjoyed it too much to even consider him. and now thinking about it, she felt like a fucking bitch.

sorry it's short
but i'm really appreciating all the love i'm receiving on this story, thank you x

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